Saturday, October 26, 2019

Today Is Saturday October 26, This Is What Happen

Our trip town consist of depositing my paycheck, checking on the status of my car and it still not done. As we were checking my car we put some gas in our pick up. The tank was almost empty so we put $20 cash in tank.
Then last two places was to finish my vaccine for shingles and do some shopping.
Oh I did drop off two items at local thrift store.

Been going though a box of cut up scrubs. Which I got at thrift stores. The box had a quite a few pieces that all ready been squared off for strips for locker hook rug.
And later on box I found some other craft supplies. Not sure what I will be doing with it. I would be smart if I took some more to thrift store. But I never claim to be overly smart.
Good thing I did gain space.
There a more scrubs fabrics and tops I start to square off for future strips.

For a while now I have had my PVC piping cut to do a acrylics paint storage like this one above. I haven't been close to hardware store to purchase some PVC glue.
Once I get a PVC paint rack done. I believe it would be a massive step in direction of getting organize and decluttered.

It been a super day, blue sky and all. So been trying to sock up some vitamin D. I was up this morning about 20 minutes to seven and it was still dark. And it pitch dark around 6:30 in the evening.

I knew there was a good chance I would be over on my calorie count. I just want a little bit fresh walnuts. So I just off by 100 calories. But no eating after 7pm.

Before heading to store. Hubby and I went over to garbage transfer station. All we had was household stuff to take.
Don't know what it is. But for some reason kids love going to dump. I know I did. And both my son love going.
I know I would say. Don't bring anything back, of carouse they did.
Plus I read more blogger friends, hope I got caught up.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    We call them tips rather than dumps and it was always fun as a child to go to the tip. Old pram wheels were great for making billy carts.

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  3. The spammers are out in force today.

    I’ve never been to the dump. The town picks up ordinary trash and recycling every week, and if we have something unusual to dispose of, we can get a special pick up

  4. Sounds like you had a very nice Saturday Dora, can you believe we are almost finished with Sunday 😊

  5. I love thrift stores, mostly just to look through.

  6. We changed time this night one hour back ! Now it's also pitch dark at 6.30 pm ! I wonder where the saving is I don't have cows to milk at 6 am ! Crazy !

  7. I think thrift stores are the best.

  8. I actually went through a basket today that I'd been meaning to declutter for months now. Since June, at least. A little bit at a time means it gets done eventually, right?

  9. When I was very young going to the dump for a good fossick was a favourite way to spend a day for my brother and me. it's amazing the stuff people throw away. We used to drag home all kinds of things and play with them.
    I love thrift stores too, they're mostly called Op Shops here in Australia.


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