Monday, October 07, 2019

Seven Moods

Part of Fitday there part on moods, which is happiness, stress, anger, energy, clarity, hunger, and healthy.
Ok I want to talk a little bit on healthy. I am not medical profession and they ask you to rate your health.
Here your choices Very Healthy, Healthy, Neutral, Sick, and Very Sick.
Other then being over weight , blood pressure issue, and the so called aches and pains though out the body. Usual nothing that I feel I need medication for.
I usual rate my self as healthy, but very rarely Neutral.
So I wonder real what true definition of rating one health factors.

I rarely suffer from depression. If I had to rate mental issue I tend to be little more on the anxiety side. Neither one has been to point that I couldn't function.
My mom side claims to be people who are HIGH STRUNG
I never recalled my mother just setting. And when berries weren't on she would be working out with JACL LALANNE
Now back to me for a little bit. I promise it won't be over three lines long. I went to have my hair trim and Perm. One time I found this style I liked. Well I went in and couldn't find it in the style book. I was loosing patient with my self.
So I decided to let them have free range with my hair. I am slightly disappointed. I know once I wash it, which can't be done in 48 hours. Then it should loosen up, and it will grow out.

Coffee is on


  1. I count myself as healthy too. I had a perm once but didn't know you weren't supposed to comb it like usual, so when I did it all just fell out and I had frizz. My hair is curly/wavy anyway, so I don't bother with perms anymore.

  2. I think of myself as being healthy, though others may not, but then they aren't me. I've been letting my hair grow because I haven't found someone I trust enough to cut it.

  3. I would rate myself healthy for now. Good luck with that hair.

  4. Jack LaLanne, that's a blast from the past. My grandmother liked his show.

  5. There's this idea that overweight means unhealthy. Since there are plenty of people who are sick who aren't overweight, why wouldn't there be curvier people who are healthy?

    I got a perm once. Hated it. Never again.

  6. Giving my hairdresser free range is something I could never do Dora 😉

  7. Healthy for me :)
    I've been going to the same hairdresser for many years now, she knows my hair well and I always have a perm every few months or so …

    All the best Jan


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  9. I would rate myself healthyfor now. Good luck with that hair


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