Monday, September 02, 2019

Now We Have September

It second day in month, LABOR DAY. I remember when I grew up most families belong to a union. I grew up what I called a solid middle class family.
My dad work for the railroad on the fright train, and was a member of TEAMESTER union.
I have never been a member of union, and when I graduated from high school in 1978 and two year Reagan became president and union start to dissolved.
Idaho is a RIGHT TO WORK
For those who needs to know which is BEST AND WORST state to work in...My home state of Idaho over all score was 45 so there 5 worst state for labor condition . I could think of many ways of improve person care that would benefit the workers and clients both.

  1. Finished, well finished wouldn't be the popular term. Let say I got my monthly calendar. Placed in my bullet journal. Haven't put in my new moon goal and total clueless when the new moon is for September.
But I do have my weather part set up for September bullet journal. And my weekly goals first thing is my health goals. I remember when people older then me would say. “If you don't have your health you have nothing”
Not saying I am in bad health.” But I know the over weightiness can complicated things down the road.
So my key ports to focus on is....
  1. Is less then 2,100 calories
  2. 40 oz of water

  1. 7,500 steps
  2. No eating after 7 in the evening.
Well my last thing bullet journal I have is Mindful.
Sure there other things in there. But even if I don't do anything or very little my book. I can mark off mindful.

Yesterday, mostly worked on my dresser and lot of little trash item. That got toss. But I did mange find three items to go off to the thrift store.
  1. Cloth bag
  2. A pair of socks
  3. Top
So last count I had 51 pieces to go and minus three leave 48. Well forgot to mention the bag of potpourri. So actual I have 50 pieces to find that can go to the thrift store.

Had every intention to show some photo of my home project. We got the side painted and I'm folding my fabric the KONI MARIE WAY only got small about done. But this way I can see what I have.
Our tub is dripping and it hot water. So part of the day we will be turning off our water. Plumber can't come until next week.
My hubby and I lived with out running water before. But this time we can turn on the water for few hours and take care of items that need water such as laundry, showering, dishes, and basic hygiene.
Put a pitcher of water in fridge. I just trying not to have big electrical bill.

So I believe next time I am down at walmart I will pick up some good batteries these last for quite a while. But in mean time I will get some cheaper ones.

Last little bit I weigh my self and I was at 202.25 and how I seem not to gain or real loose. After my first cup of coffee this morning I went for a walk.

Coffee is on


  1. The big fallacy is that being overweight means you're unhealthy. That's not true. Some heavier people are in good health. Some skinny people aren't. I think it's more important to be healthful (eating right, exercising, etc).

  2. Wow too bad the plumber can't come sooner.

  3. Not funny with the water!

  4. We sometimes have to wait for a plumber too, but if it's a hot water issue usually it gets fixed the same day or the next day. It's a rented flat, public housing and they take care of us pretty good.

  5. In Europe the labour day is the first of May, and nobody works of course, lol !

  6. I am self-employed so no union for me. My dad belonged to a union - power workers. So I appreciate their place.

  7. I hope you have a great Fall!!

  8. Shame you have to wait for the plumber, hope it's fixed ok soon.

    All the best Jan


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