Monday, August 26, 2019

Start, Go, and Finish

Been posting about de-cluttering and the other day I got 20 items between a yard sale and thrift store last Friday.

And today at at local thrift store I got these boards and will be using them as fabric. What I found is usually on the pricey side or isn't quite up to snuff. So since I bought 18 boards I now need to get rid of 76 items.
I thought of doing a you tube video. It would have to be in two or three parts, maybe a list of items I got rid of would be more practical
Now my question is what and where do I start.

My paints are under the bed and I made a paint holder for my acrylics. I found a different place to keep and store them. In plain sight. Hope this will give an opportunity to use more of my paints.
Then putting my fabric on boards will have easier to me to obtain them.
Both will be in plain sight.

Liz brought two and half bag of items. It was sitting by the trash bins of the apartment. So her and I went thought them. I would say most items was return to trash bins.
There quite a few jell pens and they went to Regis.
I can't say I didn't take anything. Let see I took some thread, pin cushion, sweater which I still need to try on and last things was something I could cut into fabric boards.

My friend Quenella and I are going to Sandpoint to celebrate her birthday. The last time I did get a chance to take some photo of a mural down there. It was one local pubs.

Coffee is on


  1. I don't understand the fabric on boards. Are you going to cover each board with fabric and why?

    1. Fabric store fabrics bolts are wrap on boards, and this way there kept nicer and smoother.

    2. Oh. That's a great idea.

  2. Good idea to keep your fabrics on boards, most of our shops that sell fabric do this.

    All the best Jan

  3. Decluttering is such a good feeling.

  4. I honestly wished I moved in my house with nothing more than a TV and a computer. Start from zero.

  5. Oh yes, how to start? That's always the hardest part.


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