Thursday, March 28, 2019

My Walk Will Be Ending Chapter

About ready to go to work. Actual it might be a fairly short day. There having a clothes give away this Saturday. Twice year usual spring and fall our local give away place, Hope House takes all there inventory of clothing to one of local school and all clothing our free. Planning to take my clients to it.

Not sure if there SSI check will be there today at midnight or Friday at midnight. So I'll ask them to check there bank account and we can make plans accordingly.
But it looks like I might be working Saturday.

Yesterday post WEDNESDAY MEME I was talking about who I was name afterwards and my Great Grandmother "Dora" was born in VanHornsville,  New York and they consider VanHornsville a "Hamlet" and I never heard that term before. So my hamlet I live in would be "Pleasant Valley" and some other one around here would Moravia, High Land Flats, Paradise Valley, Dist 2, and there more. Or simple one could say an area and or land to occupy.

This morning for Breakfast we had 2 strip of bacon, one egg, and some bagel with peanut butter and honey.
I packed a lunch sardines, five nugget chew little bars I know they have dates, and nuts in them, There only an inch square, orange, and will stop in at Super One and get my self some Brazil nuts.
Been getting a little more walking, this morning I walk up to the third power pole. Yesterday I took a walk on road to dog park.
Not sure if the paths are clear at the game reserve.

Off To Work

Coffee is on 


  1. Do you like having a family name? My first name was because my mother liked it. Same for my brother's. (Although, I'm almost sure that I was named after an actress.)

    1. I don't think it real matter if I had a family name or not. Both of my great grandma was well gone before I was even thought of. When I was young I hate my name, Dora

  2. Hari OM
    Think the origin was from Old French - hamelet (pronounced aam-eh-lay) which meant 'little village', i.e. just a few houses; moved into middle English, where the word 'hame' literelly meant home so would usually be applied to a country house with a few workers homes scattered over the attached lands, but generally quite close together. YAM xx

    1. For ages I tried to figure exactly wear in New York was Vanhornsville, and it was explain as Hamelet. It usual has no community church or grange hall (community hall)

  3. Traditionally, a Hamlet is a small village. I have two middle names, Emma and Maria, one for each Grandmother.

  4. Hamlet is still used to describe a settlement smaller than a village here.


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