Monday, February 11, 2019

Not For Real But Can You Please

4320 steps. It been a while since I wore my fit bit zip. A little later on I will record my steps and work on getting into the habit of wearing it.
My weigh in is tomorrow. I been fairly happy that I'm not gaining. Although if there bunch of snow usual our T.O.P.S meeting our canceled

Over on my Facebook page I ask a question and I will ask it here....Question time....What three items would you give to national archives?
One thing I would send them is something from social media, although I'm not sure what. But the other two things I would send is a personal weather almanac, and personal financial record.

In yesterday post about the SKETCH BOOK PROJECT as in yesterday post I wonder why they didn't include visiting communities with population of 100,000 to 250,000 and ask them nicely they could do something for a smaller community. I wouldn't expect them to do some as lavish as they would in San Francisco.
Well I decided my sketch book theme will be "Under the Surface" and it going to have astrology theme from planet Pluto.
Some of I will have to work those brain cells to come up with something.
In one of our local Facebook group I did announcement on the sketchbook project, it would be nice a few locals would do a book.

Did a little clean by the smaller bedroom closet. I mean little clean but two metal boxes with the other metal boxes.
And put up the domino game, and clueless how long that been on floor.

Coffee is on 


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I like your idea of something from social media to go to the archives. Already some very popular social media has died, such as My Space and now Google+ (thank goodness).

  2. ...weight is such a struggle.

  3. Losing weight is soooo difficult when there's soooo much tasty foodables out there!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Hari OM
    This winter, despite being watchful, I seem to have piled on several pounds and I feel total roly poly. No doubt look it too. Yesterday morning I made up my mind to do my liquid diet for the rest of Feb - liquid as in smoothies and soup that is!!! All the nutrients and fibre, but one requires much less liquid to feel fuller faster... Three weeks is the maximum time spent on this regime. YAM xx

  5. I too lost weight, but never reached my goal ... yet, haven't regained either. Good or bad?

  6. I can't think what I'd leave to National Archives, maybe a link to my blog, things have changed so much in Perth since I started 😉 keep up the good work re weight and minimalizing Dora ✨

  7. I would like to give ALL my husband's math and genealogy notebooks to the National Archives, but he would say, "Nope!" :-)

  8. I read this post in the wee hours, and have thought about what to leave, and I cannot make up my mind. I would probably want to leave rotary cutter and ruler...they have made such a big, big difference in quilting. Other than that I don't know.

  9. I wouldn't give anything to the national archives. There's nothing of mine they'd want.

  10. I have a step counter on my mobile and without moving (it was in my purse) I made 391 steps !! Must have been a ghost who carried my purse around !

  11. Hope the snow isn't too bad. We are expecting at least 15 inches.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...