Sunday, February 10, 2019

Lacking Not So Fast

Yesterday worked a wee bit on closet, and found a few things I put in it place. A found a sweat shirt that fit and now I'm wearing it, considering it only got up to 12.
And two T shirts went in rag bag.
But looks like a few items need to be send down to Sawyer.
Then it looks like I can tackle the smaller bedroom closet.

This morning Murphy snow blow the drive way and it look like we need a part to blower. Only half of auger is moving.
So it takes a little bit more time to blow out the drive way.

Sunday morning is a day I weigh my self and didn't have goal in mind what the scales should read. It said I was 202.8. But I would like the scales at T.O.P.S to read 201.50 or less.
For lunch we had a tuna fish sandwich, can't remember last time I had one. One thing I like a tuna sandwich is raw onion.
For mayonnaise or salad dressing. I like miracle whip. I know those who don't care for miracle whip, calls it miracle crap. Confession time...I also called miracle crap.

Didn't sleep all that great last night, went to bed with headache focus right between my eyes. Before I woke up I was dreaming.
That I drove into a strange neighbor hood large home. I would guess these homes was well over 3,500 square feet. Some how I took a wrong turn and end up in this strange neighbor hood. Lot of signs in area "No Trespassing" "Gated Neighborhood" "Private Property"
I felt uncomfortable and was quite willing to get out of there. Ask one gentleman with a crew cut. How to get out of the neighborhood and he was more interested interrogating me, then helping me.
I notice there a bridge as I drove maroon colored pick up toward the bridge it was flooded out, by the river.
And Murphy woke me up.

Got a few things to do today, pay the bills and do up my bullet journal.

I just finished up anther tarot card, magician. Not sure if I'll do anther card or something else. But I would like to get anther quilt block done and send off next week.
I decided to take part in SKETCH BOOK PROJECT
There been some exhibited of these SKETCH BOOK, but what bothers me and it just not  this project. But others it seem smaller population area seem that no one interested in visiting or taking part.
We who live in smaller area love our arts.

Coffee is on


  1. I like Miracle Whip.

  2. Interesting dream. I can't stand mayo or Miracle Whip.

  3. I love to read about other people's dreams.

  4. Your tarot project is so cool! What a great way to really think about and get to know each card!

  5. That's an interesting dream, wonder what it means? I used to dream about houses, sometimes the inside of a house , mostly the outside and once or twice we have driven past a house and it looks exactly like one in my dreams.

  6. I used to eat miracle whip xtil I tasted Hellman's...I'll go without if we don't have Hellman's in store.

    I have weird dreams like this often.

  7. My mum used to have a book that interpreted dreams, we would pop in to see her to have coffee 😊 and find out what our dream the night before meant, I miss that, it was fun!

  8. Good you remembered your dream, even better you woke up!

  9. Ooh, the sketchbook project is fun. I did it a few years back, and every so often I'll get an email that someone checked it out of the library.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'll add yours to my reading list. :)

  10. My husband loves Miracle whip...will only eat Hellman's as a last resort. Me...I don't care one way or the other. I guess they would say I have no taste. LOL


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...