Sunday, November 25, 2018

My Kettle Is Burnt On

I am clutterolic and Confession time...I will loudly grip in my thoughts about people who can't keep there paper work organized.
This morning I had two lock stock goals or things I want and needed to complete. One was get once again my dinning room table clear off, and some how I need to disconnect those giant magnets.
Then my other goal was to take of some personal bureaucracy so I can finish up my 2019 health insurance for our affordable health insurance and make quarterly payment on my taxes.
Had a little trouble finding the paper work I needed or I should say "They needed"
I try not to call the "Kettle Black" or give reason to fall in deep dark kettle. Or one can say PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION

At times I look at adding AdSense to my blog and you tube. I have consider at first placing them part of my blog.
Why not add to my blog and such. I might as well get some doubloon toss at me.
It's pretty easy to find optimistic view on making big money with these PEOPLE and I decided to take gander at three of there blogs...Well I thought I was post three blogs, but come right down to it. To me there plenty boring to me. I like to hear about someone story.
Lets do a little bit of math...Well let take it at twenty five cent a click and I know they pay more. Like any business there over head and nothing clear profit.
But there bloggers it would be worth invest more such as PEREZ HILTON
In last 30 days I had 5,985 viewers and let just call it 6,000 and I know some of just came by and left as quickly.
Let say 60 people click on my add on posts in month time. Like I said at twenty five cent that would equal up to $15.
Not enough for one to quite there day job. But $15 for my self would...
1. Would pay for almost three days on my water bill
2. Would pay not quite two days of Internet bill
3. Five gallon of gas
4. Purchase five gallon of milk
5 The fifteen would purchase a package of socks and undies, with a little left over.
6. Two pack of cigarettes for those who still smoke.
7. Well it pretty much cover two days of my eclectic bill
8. One could purchase about five cups of coffee in cafe
9. Purchase 3 to 4 pounds of butter.
10. One and half yards of fabric.

I might as well figure this out and I guess every bit helps.

Coffee is on


  1. I did the AdSense thing. Or maybe just Amazon affiliate stuff. It's never been worth it to me. Not saying you shouldn't. It wouldn't hurt anything. But in my experience, it rarely makes any cash.

    However, you might look into the affiliate thing. That's where you promote things on your blog and Amazon kicks back a bit for every purchase. Again, it hasn't done much for me, but it might work for you.

    1. No plans to quite my day job over it. But I will look into Amazon I buy enough form them.

  2. Anonymous5:03 PM

    $3 per gallon of gas. That is very cheap. Ours is (converting) nearly $7 per gallon. Your milk is cheap too. It is always hard to compare things in one country to another. While you don't earn much, your dollars buy more than here.

  3. If you have sufficient traffic to the blog, you could earn a bit of spending money

  4. Not much but every little bit counts. Thanks for the visit and also for the coffee! Have a great new week!

  5. $15 for two packs of smokes??
    Here in Australia cigarettes are close to $50 per packet, depending on what brand you buy. Yes, you read that correctly. $50 or close to it. Makes me very glad I don't smoke.
    I have an idea for your paperwork. sort it as soon as you can, but right away, set up some empty boxes or baskets labelled with "taxes", "health care" and anything else you need to keep separate for a disordered pile and start putting the right mail in the right basket as it arrives in your mailbox. By this time next year, when you need paperwork from something it should already be sorted into the right basket.

    1. Here in America we seal cigarettes two ways by the pack which has 20 cigarettes in and the other way is by carton and I believe it has 10 packs in.

    2. Our pack sizes vary, some have 20, some have more, I don't know how many because I don't smoke. Buying by the carton gets you 8 packets here and the cost is so high I don't know how people manage to buy groceries. I think a lot of people must be living on credit cards if they smoke. It's a sad situation.

  6. Hari om
    I have adblocker on my chrome beacause I don't want to see ads. Each to their own. YAM xx

  7. I too have adblocker on and reckon it'd be hypocritical of me to put ads on my blog when I don't like seeing them on other web pages.

  8. I have thought about AdSense, as well. But I find it annoying, so I won't subject others on my blog. I have been known to promote products I find amazing, but that is on my own. Clutter is the bane of my existence! HeWho is the master of clutter. If you read my blog lot you will know that "HeWho" is my husband, as in HeWho mows, tows, and just annoys me. I liken him to Fred Sanford, as he seems to collect lots of junk and is loathe to part with it.

  9. I pay to have my blog. And I have from day one. I have the blog for me, more than anyone else, and the fact that I pay to store it means I tend to write more. Since I'm not a commercial fan, on TV or on the WEB, I'd probably opt out.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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