Saturday, November 24, 2018

It Will Be Some Other Thing or Project

Been busy last couple of days. Got back from Big Horn Lodge over by BIG HORN LODGE over by Noxon Mt.
Before I go to far into my post. I'm doing before and after photo of cleaning off my tables of such in my living room.
Well the after ones will be at end of post.
I went on dusting binge even at work. I clean off of one of Regis shelves he has quite a few Marvel and DC figurines and what I could wash in sink I did. There were a few I wasn't comfortable tossing in sink.
But when I got home I decided to clear off all the tables and toss way the garbage. Put the non holiday items in box. Confession stuff...It stuff that doesn't necessary needs to be back on living room tables. I swear my tables have super powerful magnets.
Lot of people uses vinegar for cleaning and EVERY WONDER WHY VINEGAR is a good cleaner.

Confession time...I need to look into how to operate the flash on my camera and there plenty more for me learn about my camera.
Actual I didn't think I would find anything to take into the thrift stores, but I did. Candles mainly.

Well on way home from Montana we were in town of PONDERAY and stop in at Burger King. It's right by a Walmart and I have never shop on black friday and I just been to scared to. It seem some one gets kill or injured. I just don't know anything I need that bad to risk my life for. I know there diffidently nothing I want that bad.
But at that time of day it look fairly calm and thought of a lease walking in and checking it out. To see what all the excitement. But I didn't.

Did a little small business shopping today. Or home town shopping. Almost ready to leak out what I got.

I don't see taking down my shelves item tommorw in living room. It look like I will once again clean off my dinning room table. It also has super powerful magnet.
And I have adult obligation I need to take care of. Like send in my taxes and line up the paper work for my Affordable Health Insurance coverage.

One of these table I will set up my yule altar and I have my altar supplies out or lease part of it. Then the other two table I will set up my snowman, woman and family collection. Plus put up my candle carousel.
Not sure when tree will go up. Thinking the first part of December. My goals is to put up the snow people collection and such last week of November.

Coffee is on


  1. I like my table clean and uncluttered too, but I only have one and everything gets done on it. Eating, computer, crosswords, sometimes I clear off everything to have enough space to roll out pastry or make a couple of dozen chicken schnitzels to go in the freezer. Sometimes I set up my sewing machine there too, but it's a smallish table so I'm glad I don't have things like dinner parties here.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Lots of laughs at your magnetic tables.

  3. I think we can all relate to messy tables! I get so excited when I get mine cleaned off, but it doesn't stay that way for very long. :D

  4. Yep, us too, we have magnetic tables and we've never seen ours totally clear!

  5. I also avoid stores on Black Friday. No need to see what all the fuss is about.

  6. Looking good after your cleaning ~ I find horizontal surfaces are definitely problematic ~ Like you said they are a magnet ~ LOL

    Black Friday I have never shopped and have less desire now ~ Don't see the point ~ an obsessive compulsive reaction, I think ~ To each his/her own.
    Don't need anymore 'stuff.' ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Congrats on the cleaning. I know I'm guilty of letting things sit, too.

    I did Black Friday shopping one year about a decade or so ago. Meh. Not worth it unless there's some special you're jonesing for.


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