Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday Meme Number Seventeen

bunion, forlorn, estate, plush, clump and rags. These are the words I will be using in my fictional story. There is a second set words and some people use both set. Please check out WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY 

The orchard been on this land for five generation. Our 5th great grand father came over from a little town in Namborn Germany with his three siblings.
Once the ship landed in Helen Delich Bentley Port which part of Baltimore. And his parents had a little money, but enough to get a wagon and pair of horses. 
The church members that came on the ship divided up the supplies among the congregation.
And the Gredig headed to Indiana.

As they settle in there new home and started to clear the land, and it was established that when they left there ESTATE in Germany they brought some apple seed that there great grand father had planted an orchard and the apples was sweet and juicy.

The home and the out building went up over the next five years and they became part of community.
Even a few PLUSH items one might not say that a quilt from RAGS wouldn't classify as PLUSH.
But all the beds had hand done quilt and most of the fabric came from clothing they wore and even brought on ship when they came over.

Beating the CLUMPS of sod to plant the orchard and after a season of that, one would be FORLORN and to settle one nerve they would get jug of wine that was made from pin cherries.
Well the apple orchard was planted and even put in some American varieties. One was called Pearmain.
One year and not sure which year it was. But notice one trees had BUNION on some of the branches and the apples had trouble maturing and would fall off the tree before they even ripen.

But one of the neighbors to the south of them also had some apples and like the Gredig came from all country and brought some apple seeds. Start a orchard.
So over toast and they decided to graft a tree from Namborn and to one from Masovain. So the apples was called "Gutcraz" and the farm been in the family for five generation and now there known for many wines, beers, and other drinks all under the brand name of Dobry Geist.

Since Murphy has shingles and some of sores are in his mouth he now heat up the juice. which I like over cold juices
But maybe I will try heating my orange juice up.
So for ABC WEDNESDAY and juice is my letter J



  1. Oooh, resist the temptation to heat up OJ, lol.

  2. Your orchard story is wonderful, I didn't know some of your ancestors came from Germany. Lovely to hear of neighbours and community helping each other.
    Sorry to hear Murphy has sores in his mouth, hope he gets better real fast.

    1. Most of my ancestors either came from Great Britain, West Europe and Ireland. Then a little bit of this and that all of Europe.
      Actual one my ancestors had surname of Gredig

  3. I think it's amazing that a different fruit tree can be grafted to another and grow.

  4. A labor of love; bending one's back and getting the work done without complaint, and finaly relishing the Taste of one's labors. Nice Family story.

  5. juice is nice, tasty and healthy , bon apetit

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  6. I live 500 km from Namborn :-)
    They must´ve been brave people back then!
    Nice story with the apple seeds!
    That is a great story of teaming up!

  7. I LOVED reading the family history!

  8. A little history lesson from the words....lovely.

  9. What a fun challenge, well done Peppy!

  10. enjoyed very much the family "tree" story!

  11. Warm orange juice? That does not sound appealing.

  12. Awesome post . Keep commenting in my blog because I love your comments.

  13. very horticultural! And cultural as well!


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