Sunday, May 22, 2016

Still My Favor Thing

Blogging posting is still my favor thing to do when it comes to social media and my lease favor is e mail.
I been slowly cleaning out my e mail.
But I have a g+ account. Which I don't use that much. But what I want to talk about is my facebook and twitter account.
I like to share my so called un interesting life. Which suits me just fine. But yesterday post with other items not just marijuana. I got quite a few request via twitter for the promotion of marijuana. Come on I talk about also getting a sewing machine. Well wait I did get one request about a do it your self twitter account.
Any how one reason and main reason I do something my self because we can't afford to pay for the labor.
Had a brief posting about my flowers and battle with grass. No request from those flowers lovers.
The very last thing I like to say I thought $350 is toward things one doesn't plan for. When little boogie man does something for shits and giggles. Not funny in my book. Question time...what do you keep back for the un-expected out of your pay check? 
$522.00 $22.00 or $2.00

Been having inkling to make crackers using my dehydrator. Not sure what combo there kale in garden and flax seed in freezer.
One thing I though of getting is an nice juicy apple for sweetness.

Murphy and I went to wal mart I try not to give them much of business. But living out in country one all ways have other option
One thing we need in house hold is a cell phone. My last one went though the washing machine. So for $55 I got a phone, plan, and minutes. Which should last me 5 months. My last phone I never went over 225 minutes in month.
Not phone talker.
And we had to pick up a few more items like. t shirts, pads my bladder isn't in the best of shape, and gum.

Eating once again plus and minus. Let start with the biggest plus. Fairly good on portion sizes" but can't say nutritional wise it's been number one.
Breakfast cream of wheat with raisin. Mid morning snack was feeling a little light headed so I had a cheese sandwich, not a fan of iceberg lettuce. Used Kale for my green.
Lunch was mac and cheese, 2 wieners, and tomatoes. Which was mixed together in a bowl.
Dinner pizza and nice green salad.

Last week I wore my pedometer all last week to see what my daily average was. Not going up stairs I believe it was in low 6,000 steps.
So I want my new average to be above 7,500 steps a day.
Now I read and heard other say one should take a least 10,000 STEPS A DAY 

Work week start bright and early tomorrow, Monday. Taking Regis to have a blood drawn over at the hospital. General lab.
Not sure what his place looks like. But I can clean fairly fast and good. Then Tuesday were off to get an impression of his mouth for a set of new teeth. Driving clear to Courd'Alene a good 130 mile around trip.
Closes place that will do dentures and which medicaid will pay for.
So on our return trip I will stop by the library in Sandpoint.
Now for the rest of the week. Depends on how many hours I use up for the first two day. He gets a total of 16 hours a week or 69 hours a month.
LaWalla will come in on Thursday and Friday. She will take Liz to Sandpoint for her appointment. Simple because LaWalla has an appointment down there about the same time.
Anyhow LaWalla planning to do the 12 hours with Liz a week. She leaving 3 hours open for me at the beginning of the week, just in case Liz needs some help or something.
I don't see me using the 3 hours at first part of the week. So LaWalla will get her full 15 hours in.

                                                                                  Coffee is on



  1. Thanks for visiting me.
    Insanity? Join the club.
    And blogging is my only social media. I don't play FB, twitter or Pinterest. And already spend too much time on line.

  2. I'm fine with email as well as blogging but, like Elephant's Child, I don't do Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Or Instagram, for that matter. Facebook seems too intrusive, Twitter and Instagram wanting people to be more "instantaneous" and "off the cuff" than I'd like to be, while I like words, not just images -- hence Pinterest not being for me.

  3. I blog and do facebook, not interested in any other ways.

  4. I blog, do some Fb, and use email. I wouldn't know the first thing to do on twitter and at this time do not have the slightest inclination to try.
    We no longer put a specified amount of money away for that 'rainy day.' We should, but have padding in our accounts to cover surprise expenses. (Now - because I said that - the roof will cave in)
    I know I do not get anywhere near enough steps in my day - my heart pounds as soon as I walk. I have pulmonary hypertension along with everything else. I would like one of those pedometers to see just how many steps I do take - out of curiosity. Dumb, I know. Maybe a challenge for myself?
    I have a flip phone and no landline.
    Have a good day!

  5. Blogging is my favourite media.

    I only manage just over 5000 steps on working days and that includes deliberately parking in the carpark furthest away from my office.

  6. I was talking to a PE teacher one day, and she said steps a day aren't so important. It's all about getting the heart rate up for a period of time. I don't know, I figure any movement is good.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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