Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Not Saying Great Things

These are a photo of my 2nd great grand parents. His name was Levi Milo Brunson and his wife was Mary Harriet Ford. As far as I can find out they had three childern William, Cynthia (my great grand ma) and Minnie, who married his sister step brother Lewis.
As I set before I had my DNA done and I can't yet connect it to this Ford. But I can connect to her mother Cynthia Bildeback.
The question now was Mary father someone else then what is on her birth certificate. Or should the question be was Cindy B rumpling around with some one else.
Hopeful when my second cousin Litzy has her DNA done it will shine some light on the subject.

Weight in at T.O.P.S and up a half of pound. Well there was only seven people at our meeting. We lost as a group.
Not sure if it going to continue on. But we decided for a week, sort of like a promise. Some made a promise not eating after seven, and a few more water, no chips, no sweet.
Anther lady actual my cousin Rita and I promise to walk.
If we make it we put a quarter in the pot and if we don't we put in two quarters in pot.
We trying to raise money for us to got to our state program, which will be in Courd'Alene this coming June.
One of the lady who lost only eats sweets one day a week. I'm going to give it a try. Hopefull I can stay on track. It seems my clients love the sugary stuff.

Breakfast consist of Steel cut oats, raisin and banana. Sprinkle a little brown sugar on it.
Lunch a chicken sandwich, and cottage cheese with fruit.
Dinner pull pork sandwich and kale.
Now since I'm being honest what I'm eating I need to add the snacks. Popcorn with butter, small bowl of cheerios, taffy, and red velvet cake.

I came home from T.O.P.S and end up slighting in ditch. I got my self stuck and figure how to get un-stuck.
Told Murphy if he pulled a certain way my front end would pop out of the ditch, and I was right.

Did walk around the house doesn't sound like much. But with the soggy snow it took a little more effect.

Coffee is on


  1. Paperwork and record keeping was not always the best, way back when. Keep searching, the name will probably pop up again. Then too, there could be an 'Indian in the wood pile' haha. I suspect somebody was doing something in my family a hundred years ago or so. I found out first hand that our elders were just as sleazy as some folks nowadays.

    I tend to lose weight when my mind is really busy. I gain when I sit on the computer.

  2. So interesting to look at the family tree. That is a wonderful photo as well.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...