Sunday, January 10, 2016

Four Place It Could End Up

Didn't Sleep well, I let my self get up set about our community being so close mind and heart. Nothing I can do about it. Every time you get up set at something, ask your self if you were to die tomorrow was it worth your time being angry"
Eating been ok, but still need to get in the habit of walking and drinking water.

Didn't want to put very little effort in finding how to lighten up my photo. It trash. Had chance to quickly go though the items that was toss on the bed. All of these items was haul out to recycle can, a few piece went in to the trash.

 My mush out brain wasn't ready to go though these items. There possible four places the items in this pile could go. Trash can or the recycle. But then there the other place it could land in. Yard sale, thrift store, or to be used.
As far as I can see not much will end up in the "being used items"
Hope fully if my work day isn't overly burden, tomorrow . I can start going though it.
This pile went back on the bed.

I know during the next week or so I won't get to this small book case. For now it holding my fabrics. But there is a possibility to sort out the fabrics, after the bed is taking care of.
Then I should be able to bring up my sewing machine.

 Picked up a few items at our local thrift store. Not sure what it all cost but remembering the jeans was $2.59 each.
These items will be send down to my grand daughter which is due end of March.

Did a little bit of genealogy search on my 2nd great grand father Augustus Miller. It pretty hard to track super common surname. His wife surname was Allen. There oldest child was name A.A and I'm clueless if it a male or female.
I know he was born in Vermont about 1810, and lives in Branch County Michigan starting with the 1840's census.
Hope I can learn more about this man who was my 2nd Great Grand father.

Coffee is on


  1. I tried to look up my ancestry - the whole thing got weird because my father and two of his brothers married my mother and two sisters. My mother was the wife of brother-in-law of aunt. Then too, I found out some of my ancestors were not the nicest people. It all left a bad taste in my mouth.

  2. You can hardly expect your community to accept others, no matter where they are from, if the economy can't support them.

    I've never cared about my ancestry, I'm here and that is good enough for me, why should I care about who was screwing who?

  3. I love ancestry and ancestry shows!


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Today is Saturday, March 1, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Neither I or my husband spend any money yesterday. We took part in economic blackout. Trying to find out the status on it. Slowly getting ph...