Tuesday, April 08, 2014

G Is The Seventh Letter In The Alphabet

I've always been fascinate about history, I been doing my GENEALOGY It been a slow process.
My dad matrimonial great grandmother was a STANCELL and I thought they came from the Netherlands. But found a group of them, had connection with PRUSSIA Which at one time covers lot of area.

Other then knowing about names and dates. I like digging a little more into HISTORY PART OF GENEALOGY I want to know what they did for a living, if they had an affair or one night stand some place, how much did they pay for a loaf of bread, and etc.
Genealogy is fine but I want to know the nitty gritty and family history gives me that

G is for Genealogy.

Stop by tomorrow and see what start with letter "H"

Coffee is on


  1. Genealogy is flawed, our ancestors didn't always own up to who was doing who in the barn.

    I'm not sure my 'father' was my father, on the other hand I don't give a crap.

  2. There's some sort of lore of who begat who in my family line. It's interesting to try to trace the line. But we always hit a glitch going back farther because of some inconsistencies and none of us have been into genealogy enough to try to unravel the stories.
    Damaria from http://foodgardeningsa.blogspot.com

  3. Wouldn't it be great to have the time to go back through family histories and meet the people who went before us ... lovely blog.

  4. My great-grandfather was a stow away from Italy. We have no record of him from Ellis Island. And my great-grandmother lost her citizenship when she married him. It was totally opposite the way it is now with the laws!

  5. My grandparents passed away many years ago and both my parents do not know much about their parents. Time for me to start writing down our family history.


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