Monday, October 01, 2012

This Should Be Easy as Falling Off a Log.

Well October is here and I haven't been this active with my blog. I'm taking part in .nablowrimo Plus there more fun over at samhain sirens

We been busy trying to get things put up for the winter months. Yesterday Murphy froze 3 quarts of tomatillos and 1 quart of green peppers.

I clean out the hodgepodge flowerbed below the front window facing west. It was so full of weed and crap like that.
I got all the bulbs replanted in there now. Still there a little bit more to move around but I'd be wise to wait.

Well this morning we decided to mainly clean out the little garden on the south side of the house. We start to dry up our hot peppers.
I froze up anther quart of green peppers.
Harvest our one an only plant of tomatillos
I did get my walk in this morning. I decided to take my camera along and take a picture of North. Not sure how far I walk this morning but I decided to stop on the 5th power line pole on Pleasant Valley Loop rd.

Once again I know it's October. I haven't done a toot thing yet for Samhain. I still need to take down my Mabon Altar.
I took a few minute and took a look over at samhain sirens. and let see if I can get everything down whats going on over there.
The first give away is from Sosannas Closet

Nothing like a good recipe to try and the have one posted called “Soul Cakes” and here is a copy of the recipe.

Completely versatile, these soul cakes can be customized to suit any Sabbat. This recipe has been slightly modified for Samhain, where we replaced one egg with a tablespoon of pumpkin puree and added some nutmeg for a bit of a pumpkin kick! Serve with a pumpkin spice latte or a piping hot cup of cocoa.

5 oz butter
5 oz sugar
2 cups flour
2 egg yolks
1 tbsp pumpkin puree
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp nutmeg
3 tbsp golden raisins
2 tsp milk


1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Butter up a baking tray.

2. Sift flour and spices into a bowl.
3. Cream together butter and sugar, then beat egg yolks and pumpkin puree to the creamed mixture, beating well.
4. Add flour and spice mixes, stir in the raisins, and add milk to form a soft dough.

5. Place dough on a lightly-floured surface and shape into flat cakes about two-or-three-inches in diameter.

6. Transfer to your buttered tray and bake until lightly golden.
  1. Cool on a wire rack, then share with your friends!

Now fly
on over and see a lot more plus there is a craft project too.

Coffee is on


  1. I suck at gardening but I have lots of other skills to trade for food. Hell, I have a friend that owns a cafe that will feed me for the rest of my life if it came to that.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...