Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Weather Report for September 2012 and Other Stuff

The warmest day was September 8th 80.4 (26.4)
The coldest day was September 12th 21.6 (-5.7)
The average high for the month was 77.1 (25.0)
The average low for the month was 35.4 (1.8)
Rainfall for the month was 0
I didn't record or keep tract what we spend for the month of September. I didn't balance any checks and everything is paid. Ok not everything we had a medical lab and at this time we're paying them $5.00 a month. I just don't want to take it out of saving and once things are straighten out here I'll send them a bigger payments.
For most of the day we been harvesting out of the garden and also putting the garden to bed. We got a pretty good size to do list. I should be happy if we can get ½ of everything done outside before the snow flies. There been talk about snow flurries in the mountain.
My outdoor to do list.
  1. Harvest everything thing out of the garden
  2. Can, dehydrate, or freeze these items....pears, peaches, leeks, carrots, plums, and etc.
  3. Put a fence up for my orchard.
  4. Plant some bulbs that I ordered...haven't came yet.
  5. Start back purging things out of the shed/barn.
  6. Get more firewood.
But actual we're in pretty good shape for going into winter.
It's due time I took you right over to a give away at Samhain Siren. The gift prize is a $35.00 gift Certificate. One can visit her site

For the recipe is brought to you by Vicky as one of those fancy coffee drinkers. I'm copying and paste her Pumpkin coffee.
Pumpkin Spice Latte

1. Make coffee (a pot, a cup, in whatever fashion and however you prefer making your coffee.   The stronger the better)

2. Make Pumpkin Milk

1 c milk (I used almond milk but use any kind you want from half and half to rice milk)

1/4 heaping cup pumpkin puree (more if you really love pumpkin)

2 tsp pumpkin pie spice blend, or to taste

1 tsp cinnamon, or to taste

1 tsp vanilla extract

sweetener of choice, to taste (I use 2 tbsp brown sugar or a pinch of stevia to taste; you can also try honey, maple syrup, etc. to taste)

Optional: pinch of ground nutmeg, ginger, garam masala, cardamom, or other warming spices to taste

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well by hand or blend all ingredients using a blender

Optional: Warm the finished pumpkin milk mixture in the microwave or on the stovetop.  (microwave approximately 1 minute)

3. Pour 1 c of brewed coffee into a mug and pour half the pumpkin milk mixture over the top of the coffee and enjoy.  (Optional: Finish by garnishing with real whipped cream, recipe found below and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice/cinnamon on top)

The other half of the pumpkin milk mixture is for the refill you know you will want.  If you truly don’t want a refill, refrigerate it for up to a few days and use for your next latte, in a smoothie, or drink it as is.  As long as you're dirtying dishes, I always make a little extra for refills or for later.

The spices will not “blend” or entirely dissolve.  This is to be expected and normal.  If this bothers you, this may not the recipe for you and you may want to experiment with other recipes or techniques.

All spices and seasonings are to taste; in this case, mine.  If you want to reduce the spices (or increase them), obviously adjust everything according to your own taste preferences.  Some people may find the amounts I used a bit strong, but I like robust flavors.

Homemade REAL whipped cream

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1TBS sugar or stevia
1 tsp vanilla extract

freeze beaters to your electric mixer and medium mixing bowl for approximately 30 mins prior to using. Pour heavy whipping cream into bowl, add vanilla and sweetener. Mix on high until stiff peaks form. Add a spoonful (or more) to your latte and enjoy. Can be stored in refrigerator for up to 48 hrs.

For those who read though part of Samhain ritual...Around here people seems to be uncomfortable with other religions other then Christianity. Some reason they been brain washed to believe they have the answer for everything about life and death...So sad.
Opinion time....For Samhain (Halloween) it would be nice to go up to local cemetery and bring a dish of one who has passed on and have big pot luck meal.
But in our area the weather is usual pretty ucky.
Kept on trying to get things harvest out of the garden so the garden can be put to bed. So we mange to do 8 pints of peaches. One thing I notice the peaches don't have the fuzz like they use to. To me a peach is to be so juicy that one would need to eat it over the sink.

We did dry some parsley in the dehydrator and froze up anther quart of tomatillos.
It look like it might and notice how I say “might” the weather people on television is calling for cooler nights. So Murphy went out and got the French “Charentais” a type of melon which weighs about 2 pounds.

The nice lady who trying to keep us blogging and here is her own personal blog
.2nd day of blogging. For those who wish to see the list of who is taking part in and if I counted right there 49 of us

Coffee is on.



1 comment:

  1. Shit,,,,, You're on a roll. Is the witch going to boink the honey before the week is over? :-)


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...