Thursday, May 03, 2012

Weather Report for April 2012 and Other Stuff

The warmest day in April 21 & 23 at 77.7 (25.3)
The coldest day in April 13 at 21.0 (-6.4)
The average high for the month was 61.0 (16.1)
The low low for the month was (-0.3)
Rainfall for the month was 2 in (5.8)

t the lower end of the tree branch. I usual give some other report. I'm clueless what we spend during the month but I didn't balance a check. Confession time...Haven't balance a check since about 1980 or so. Learn my lesson and didn't repeat the same mistake twice.
Not much more to report.

1 comment:

  1. The warmest day in April 21 & 23 at 77.7

    We didn't see 50.0 here and will be lucky to see the 70's more than a few times all summer.


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