Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (Power-Symbolic)

I try eat a good breakfast so it can give me power to make it threw the day. When I eat like crap I struggle though the day.
So hubby and I had some cooked Barley flakes. I add some raisin, diced apples, almonds, and sliced bananas.
Statement time...It seem like rolled oats (Quaker Oatmeal) doesn't stick with me long. In short time I feel hungry.
There all sort of symbolic things around here that is spring related. It seem like more and more things are coming up in my hodgepodge flowerbed.
Murphy went out and check the veggie garden out and notice some collard greens coming up.

Next weekend photo hunt will be creative and or plau


  1. I know what to do with those Collard Greens :-)
    ~ Let's 'play' next weekend at The Saturday PhotoHunt.

  2. That breakfast looks like a great way to start the day :) Add a cup of coffee and you'll have a powerful day for sure! :)

  3. That's a good looking breakfast but life is uncertain, I eat dessert first.

    I heard that Kelloggs Special K is of the better (for you) cereals out there, they do taste good.

  4. It is nice to see you are back!! :-)

    Spring I am sooo looking forward to it, it is nearly here :-)

  5. Yay! Green things coming up!

  6. Hi Dora, your powerbreakfast looks and sounds very delicious. A nice way to start the day for sure. And spring seems to be coming fast. Two wonderful photos and takes on the two themes.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  7. That's what I call a power breakfast! :D

  8. I have problems with breakfast, I can't eat anything in the morning ! I just have coffee and Mr. G. is the same so we eat a brunch around noon.

  9. Oh, I too love oatmeal. Both in a cereal bowl, cookies and even making my meatloaf [instead of bread crumbs I use gives the meatloaf a 'nutty' flavor that I like]

  10. Quaker Oats is hardly real oatmeal.. go for the full flakes from Bobs'Red Mills or something.. no crap in them! Your breakfast does look delicious though! :)


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