Sunday, March 04, 2012

Weather Report For 2012 and Other Stuff

The warmest day in February was on the10th at 47.5 (8.6)
The coldest day in February was on the 9th at -9.9 (-23.2)
The average high for the month was 30.7 (-0.7)
The average low for the month was 11.4 (-11.4)
Snowfall 22 ½ inches (57.1)

A few notes about this month weather..way colder then usual saw my first robin the 22nd of the month.

I never knew how I was going to start this post. I believe that I post that Murphette want to get out this cold climate and in her condition I understand. I don't feel like listing all of her aliments but the cold doesn't help so she planning to head down to Bakersfield
Confession time...At first I actual had zilch odds her moving away.
But now my odds keep fluctuating between 10% to 30% that she will go.
Murphette really likes to spend the money. But now she is having a moving sale so she can down size.
Which she would like to do the first of every month and I been adding a few things that came from my barn/shed.

She keep changing her mind how she is going to make this move. That why my odds keep changing. First she was going to rent a u-haul with a trailer and was sticker shock on the price. “So was I”
Now she talking about over hauling her one ton early 1970 ford truck.

See she has quite a bit of her oldest daughter Aavyn stuff here and she more worried about getting her stuff down to Texas.
Opinion time...which she should of taken care of it her self ages ago.

As for my big project for last month well it was pretty much a two thumbs down. But I been puttering a way on the usual crap.
It seem strange not having the computer. I recall we live with out a computer or microwave oven. I could post what I have lived with out. Once you have something and it is part of your life it can be hard to go with out it.

I been sort of but not giving it my all. Working on some goals. The weather around here been putting a damper on some of it. Then on the other hand I been plain ass lazy.
For the month of February I didn't keep track of my spending. I thought Murphy was terrible about getting recipient back to me. Confession time.... I need to look in mirror I could do a lot better my self.
I'm still puttering with the ceramics. I can see some head way.
I took in one box of stuff to Murphy moving sale. Statement time...I just couldn't get into taking more things in.
I believe I have four boxes done up in shed of things I want and need to get rid of.
But I know they will be more.


  1. We had a mild winter here, some cold weeks, but NOTHING compared to last winter!! Hope you have a great March & do well with your new goals! :)

  2. We haven't been getting as much rain as usual and I'm thankful for that.

    A decent running 1970 Ford one ton would damn sure get her to Bakersfield but I don't know why anyone would want to live there.

    The only reason it isn't the asshole of California is because Barstow is.

  3. She want to have a smaller block engine and a Automatic transmission in it.

    Too much expense, a brain transfer may be cheaper.

    I can understand a warmer climate but I can't see any reason for anyone moving to Bakersfield unless she likes to screw the ex. LOL

  4. That old one ton likely has a 360 in it, maybe a 390. If it needs a timing chain I could go with that as long as it makes the engine run again.

    Even if it only runs on seven cinders it would still make it to Bakersfield and who gives a shit if it ever runs after that.

    But if it has set idle for some time I'm pretty sure there are other issues that need to be addressed.

    Like, you know, brakes.

  5. If she want's to get that old Ford to Bakersfield without spending a ton of money on it she'll have to screw the brains out of someone like me.


  6. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Yep, we're definitely living in the same climate.

  7. It's good that we are blogging so we can read what weather it was last year especially me as I am always complaining about weather !
    Going back to winter when you spent a week in spring is hard !


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