Work isn't going all that smooth for Murphy. His employer Will has quite a good size tree nursery. Up towards Porthill Idaho which is really the first town when you come into the United States.
Also Will has a few residents he rents out
His renters can't pay there rent so there working the rent off.
So in the mean time Murphy and I are taking care of things around here. Like getting firewood.
As we get older we look for firewood that is easy to get. But if we had our way it would load it self in back of the pickup.
But we really don't work that hard for it anymore.
We even found a place to just sit and watch the creek go by.
It seem there an adventure sometime in getting wood or story to be told. Oh!!! How I wish it was smooth going.
Murphy located this larch dead of course. Which it was.
It look like it would be an easy fall.
Murphy tramped up the hill to fall the tree down with all the supplies like chain saw, hammer and hedge.
It seem like it to the saw longer to cut then I thought it would.
Then the tree was down.
Murphy had to come down resharpen the saw. He said the tree was “stringy”
So after the say got sharpen we both went up so the log could be cut into rounds and rolled off the hill side.
Which was joke in it self.
Between the two of us we do pretty good getting fire wood. I pretty much know where to stick something under the log so it remains off the ground and can help him roll the log to be cut.
Well once I actual pushed and it started to roll. Lucky the saw was on ground and stopped before it really became a mess. You see Murphy was in front.
The rounds should of went straight down the hill but it seem to get caught on every little thing or a few of rounds had a mind of there own. Went into the brush and new growth of trees.
I believe the saw needed resharpen about 3 times or so.To even load the wood it needed to be split in half. But being stringing that was anther chore in it self. Murphy did the splitting but I got them stood up an ready. Confession time...I used to chopped fire wood but I let my self get out of shape which is no one fault except mine.
But it took Murphy plenty of time to chop up this wood.
Like I said it was stringy.
It did finish off the load for the pick up. We where so glad we didn't have to walk back up the hill to finish off the log that we fell.
Murphy made a remark that he was hopping that there would be enough down on road so we wouldn't have to go back up. Because he wasn't into sharpening the saw.
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