Saturday, June 18, 2011

Photo Hunt (Informative)

 What cause bruises?   
I recently bruise my leg on one of our  wood gathering adventures
When we loading the pick-up bed one of us and this time it was me in back of the bed of the pick stacking wood.
Some how I got hit buy a piece of firewood.
Statement time...The wood was being toss into the pickup gently.
To see what other posted please visit our hostess TN CHICK

I had my annual physical and there was no way that the doctor wouldn't see the bruise. But she thought it was a pretty nasty bruise.
But I had some blood work done and my numbers concerning my liver was good. If I understand right they might be some connection between liver and bruising.
They drew anther vile of blood and was going to do some other type of test.
I believe my last photo hunt I posted in “looking down” which I posted a picture of dirt road that Daisy and I been walking.
Confession time...I thought I would have been down a lot father then I am.
Poor Daisy it was last Wednesday her and I was doing our walk. Some big yellow dog attacked her and drew blood.
Daisy isn't a fighter. That dog drew blood. I had to chase it away. It followed us up Pleasant Valley loop for a while. I carried a stick so I could protected Daisy.
You see Daisy isn't a alpha female and she easily intimated. So most of the day she hide behind the couch


  1. Wow - that's an impressive bruise!

  2. That bruise doesn't look like *just* one piece of firewood hit it! :O

    On another note: I'm not sure what happened to your blog but it did a weird multiple links thing to at least one of my blog posts -> see here:-

    Know what happened and how to stop this? :S

  3. Aw Dora, I hope the bruises are gone now. :)

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Liz @ MLC

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Poor Daisy and poor you. That's a terrible bruise.

  5. That looks quiet terrible ! what a bruise !


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Today Is Tuesday, January 14, 2025: This Is What Happened.

In the late afternoon, I played around with my GELI PLATES . For now, let's call it a learning experience. Put gas in pick up. $30 put a...