Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grand "Yule Tree" Fir

We got the tree up and trim. I admire color theme and style theme to Christmas tree
but at this time it's not for me.
I guess that reason I like a variety of things such as bloggers,facebook friends and interest.
Statement if one keeps doors open one can learn and grow.
Yesterday I was briefly in home depot returning a spray nozzle for the kitchen sink. I was briefly looking at fake trees.
At this time there terrible expensive a friesier fir is $225 and yes I heard some are in $500 range. But after Christmas they should be marked down and if the friesier firs are less the $100 I'm grabbing one. Statement time...I'll pay for it.
I saw one in the goodwill for I believe was $20.00 which I'm not sure I want.

Confession time...I have some emotional trouble with fake tree each tree has it's own story. I feel with a fake tree the stories are to much a like.
Lot the stories will start something like this. Once upon a time in room in the far corner stood a tree 7 ½ feet in height then the first part of December once the Thanksgiving dinner is well settle in one stomach out comes the tree which had a long summer nap___________and so forth.

Every year Murphy and I tramp though the woods. This year we went out on the bench which the snow got wet and we just sunk. Confession time...I wouldn't be such a party poo if it was better conditions.
So Murphy went on his Aunt property and grabbed a tree. This time it was on short side just a little taller then me. But like I said every tree has it story. Just like people.

We became soft. We lived off the grid for quite for years and some winters we had to hike in. One Winter I believe the year was 1995/1996 Bart
was in Kindergarten and his brother Sawyer was in Second grade.
We had to pull in supplies both Murphy and I had sleds. On my sled was Bart and others stuff. We got to our home and no Bart. So we walk back up the road and there sat Bart in the snow bank just laughing.
This is the new ornament for 2010. My friend Quenelle and I where in the goodwill doing a little shopping.
Confession thrift store I have to use lot of self control such bargains and cool items all though out the store.
This year the economy is not doing all that well the news media compares lot of the data to the Great Depression of the 1930's
But for $2.99,plus I like it!I also got some cards to send out for 2011. I had to open one to finish off my cards. Plus stuff toys for the pets to tare up. Their family members. I got our boys something from the goodwill. Can't say what it is.
Let me tell you I could spend more then $50.50. $50 in Goodwill might seem like a lot but $40 of it on the boys gifts.
I didn't put all the ornaments on the trees. I have some cartoon ones from when the boys were young.
Like Sesame Street gang I believe it Oscar the grouch and the Cookie Monster but we have other ones too.
For the tree topper this year is angel I have no reason for picking that over the other one. I tried to stick it on the leader branch of the tree and it wasn't going to stay there. So I just sat it on lower branch. Both Murphy and I liked. So Murphy made her silver belt out of ribbon so she would be more stable.


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I hope your day is good, too.

  2. real Christmas trees always smell so good, but I can't stand the mess they make when the needles drop, so I'll stick with my fake tree.

    Gill in Canada

    My word verification:

    FAKETRIA........sort of like Fake tree!!

  3. A real Christmas tree would be good but it is costly. Real Christmas trees are sold in Singapore but they are too expensive. I'd rather spend that money on food.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...