Saturday, December 11, 2010

Photo Hunt (Funny)

Rosie uses the tower of the computer for her bio feed back. I don't know if she actually gets some type of pleasant vibration.
It looks like she smarter then me. I pay money for bio feed back and so does that makes me a funny fool or not? I could be sitting on tower “Oh I would break it “ and that wouldn't be funny.
I thought her expression was funny so I thought it would be a good theme for this week photo hunt.funny

I found a raw meat loaf recipe and decided to give it a try and also Kale-Walnut Pesto Pasta
2 cups of walnuts
1 red pepper
½ cup sweet onion mince
½ cup celery mince
1 tomato
2 garlic glove
1 tsp of onion
dash of oregano
½ miso
dash of salt and pepper
add all ingredients to food processor pulse chopped until that it looks evenly. Place meat loaf on platter and serve.
½ bunch of kale stems discarded and leaves coarsely chopped
1 pound gemelli pasta
¼ cup cup chopped walnuts, toasted
1 glove of garlic
½ cup of grated parmesan cheese, plus more for sprinkling
salt and pepper
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil.

  1. In large pot of salt water, cook Kale until tender, 4 to 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the kale and rinse with cold water. Add pasta to pot and cook until al dente. Drain, reserving 1/3 cup of water. Return the pasta to the pot.
  2. Meanwhile, squeeze the kale to remove excess water. In a food processor, combine kale, almost smooth; season with salt and pepper. With Machine running, add the olive oil.
  3. Add pesto to the pasta, along with enough pasta cooking water to loosen the pesto as necessary. Serve sprinkled with Parmesan
Things been going on I never got a chance to try the Kale-Walnut Pesto Pasta. Due to number of unforeseen events.
One of my clients and friends is in the hospital. Not sure what went wrong but I know her sugar account was up to 1,500. But her left arm won't keep still. So more test!!!!

Plus finding and getting a Christmas Tree. I can't find the stand we want to use.

Murphy gets frustrated quite easy. He always said I handle crises well and if there was a sinking ship he always said I could keep a level head and get everyone off. Question time...why is there time I feel like a real basket case.

Our son Sawyer and his cousin Sam has a snow removal business. They decided to sale the snow plow which Sam own and Sawyer is the owner of the truck that the plow is hooked to.
So Sam went and got the plow and the road where icy and he slid into someone. We have insurance and information was exchange.
The policy is in Murphy and my name so we reported to the insurance company and said that the truck was in a fender bender saying that our Nephew was driving the rig.
Now we get a letter from the insurance company wanting us to fill out this paper work. Thinking we as Murphy and or I was there. Even draw pictures.
Murphy was all stress out over the letter from the insurance company. I said I would stop in at LaMars and get larger envelope and mail it down to Sawyer which at this time I don't have Sam address.
So Sawyer then can give his cousin the paper work so he can fill it out since he was involved with the wreak.
Doesn't this sound like the most reasonable way to handle it? Murphy got hold of his Nephew and he going to call the insurance agency up and see what he can do.

Now back to raw meat loaf first of all I would called something else. There a few things I would do if I was actual cooking meat loaf is cook it at 350 in the oven for an hour or so.
But all in all it was good. Confession time..I did little tweaking to this
I didn't get a red pepper because of the cost. I thought I was adding Jim Nardello frying pepper to it but instead of I grab some hot pepper mix out the freezer. Used about a good Tablespoon. For little bit of red flake look I add about teaspoon of beet.
I would be a little careful on the amount of onion I use which could easily over power I add a little bit of leeks to it. I swore I had some garlic but couldn't fine or actual don't have. So I add season called garlic pepper. Total forgot the tomatoes.
I left out the salt because it had Miso which add a nice finishing flavor. Then air head me I would say a blonde moment but I can't. I total forgot the celery.
I decided serve it with apples which compliment the loaf. Anther way I would serve it as a stuffing for celery. I don't know if I would add a tomato if I was going to use it in stuff celery. If one decided to use a tomato I would start with a small amount then add more as to get a texture I desired. With to much tomato I'm afraid it may be to loose to stuff celery with.


  1. Have been told that cats like computers for the warmth they emit... ;b

  2. Funny, cats and dogs love to rest on computers. :)

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    So are you saying the biofeedback doesn't work?

  4. Impressive loaf Dora! Very healthy and what a sweet cat.

    I also wanted to mention that I wrote about making your own ginger tea in my boosting immunity post. Just put a coin of ginger on the bottom of a mug with some lemon, steep for at least six minutes, remove ginger and add honey. Enjoy!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...