Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photo Hunt (Male)

OH GOOD LORD..I thought this week photo hunt was circle I had something prepared. Then I looked an saw this week theme was male. The only male we have in this home is Ziggy as for animals I do have a husband but I don't consider him an animal even when I'm tick at him Statement time....I've considered a lot worst. I gave birthday to two males. Both of them are moved out now one of them is 19 and the other is 22. So it Ziggy who is a well like cat in neighborhood because he catches quite a few rodents For more info on the photo hunt visit tn chick
One thing about my job I truly like is when I get to go for a walk with Rex. Well we went up to the three mile and head down Moon Shadow road which I believe is the name but I knew it goes west. I did a car walk for a short distanced and I felt that there to much traffic and it made me uneasy.
So we went back to the lacy cap Mennonites church parking lot and went for a walk

This is looking up North
Then we went down dist 2 road a nice easy walk. I have and Uncle and Aunt that lives down that road. No we didn't walk that far.

I started to wonder when they built this building. All the years I known it be there I never known it be in use.
One can see fade sign which offer mechanical and welding.

I made a different type of green smoothie. I base this one from a salad I like “Waldorf” but add one more ingredient.
Place in a blender. I did some chopping because I have a wimpy blender compare to vita mix. But it dose the job.
½ cup of water.
1 celery stick chopped into 1 to 2 inch pieces
1 apple cored and slice
2 walnuts pre chopped
2 dates pre chopped.
Blend well this makes about 1 cup of smoothie.

I real like the consistence of this smoothie.

The other day I found a recipe I like to try not sure when. Statement time...I don't know how long it would take me purchase the ingredients simple reason are resource are limited and time

Sticky Date Lovers with Upside Down Sugar Cane Whipped Cream Dessert
  • 12 Dried dates, seeds removed and soaked in ¼ cup coconut water
  • 2 Tsp kudzu, diluted in 4 Tsp of pure water
For Upside Down Whipped Cream
  • 2 Tbsp of dried organic coconut, shredded
For the Garnish
For the Sticky Date Cake
Step 1. Mix er in a bowl.  Set aside for 10 minutes.
Step 2. Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor until a smooth and silky paste is obtained.
Step 3. Divide the above mixture equally between four 5 cm X 6 cm (diameter X height) molds.
Step 4. Cover and set aside for about 2 hours to set.
For Upside Down Whipped Cream
Step 1. Carefully grate about 1 Tsp of the lime peel, taking care not to grate any of the white membranes underneath the peel.  Set aside.
Step 2. Blend all the ingredients together in a food processor until a fluffy mixture is obtained.
Step 3. Fold the lime zest in gently.
Step 4. Divide the above mixture equally between four 5 cm X 6 cm (diameter X height) molds.
Step 5. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.
For the Garnish
Step 1. Peel 2 oranges from top to bottom thinly without breaking it.  Gently twist it with your hands to make it look like a spider’s web.
Step 2. Dip the orange peel in raw honey.
Step 3. Set on a sheet with your own funky design and dehydrate it until you get an orange zest candy.
Mounting the Masterpiece Together
Step 1. Drizzle raw organic honey on four plates making a square.
Step 2. Place the Upside down Whipped Cream carefully (one on each plate) in the center of the honey square.
Step 3. Carefully place one Sticky Date Cake on top of each Upside down Whipped Cream.
Step 4. Now, garnish this delicious dessert with orange candy spider webs on top.
  • Coconut butter is solidified raw organic coconut oil (coconut oil easily solidifies at colder temperature).
  • All the things can be prepared in advance, but is best mounted just before serving.
  • Tastes best when served chilled.
Nutritional Facts
Each serving of this recipe provides the following nutrients:
Calories: 37% (680 Cal); Total Fats: 61%; Saturated Fats: 75%; Carbohydrates: 30%; Proteins: 22%; Fiber: 35%; Iron: 19%; Magnesium: 41%; Potassium: 25%; Sodium: 0%; Zinc: 20%; Copper: 97%; Manganese: 79%; Vitamin E: 11%; Vitamin K: 15%; Vitamin B6: 20%; Folic acid: 10%; Phytosterols: 30%.

This recipe came from the Raw Divas and which they got from .triedtastedserved

I'm doing ok on my caffeine reduction. The cut off time for this week been 1:30 in the afternoon come Monday it will be at 1:00.
I started to keep track of my caffeine intake I drink 4 to 5 cups different sizes but mainly coffee.

There a give away in blog land. Yes someone is going to win Free Easy Vegan Transition recipes book. So you ask who doing this give away Kristen Raw. Even if your not raw, vegetarian, or a vegan. If you simple like great recipes. You need to stop in and see what you need to do put you name in hat for this cookbook At Kristen Raw


  1. What a lovely and "cool" place to go for a walk :)

    My PH:

  2. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I used to have a cat like that. He was my all time favorite.

  3. That is so gorgeous scenery!
    I don't make a lot of treats with dates, but I like them.
    And I have a boy cat too.

  4. Hello!!! What a wintry scene you've shared from your walk. Looks bitterly cold. I'm such a wuss when it boils down to snow.

    Love your sweet, sweet male photo. He is a doll...or should I say stud muffin!?!!

    Happy Holidays to you Dora.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...