It takes money honey. Resently I was watching Need to know and they held a feature on Dooce a community and also a blogger.
Well I guess she makes $40,000 a month with her blog. I understand the aveage blogger makes $5.000 a year.
Confession time...I'm not the most savage when it comes to technology actual I'm slow at it
Like most working stiff I would like to make a few extra bucks.
I hear people making a fist full of dollars though e-bay or estey.
I have to also wonder about what or if people is actual taking in cash though twitter or facebook.
Did I miss the train or something? On making a few extra dollars at home.
I was telling my clients about this and they both would be greatful for few extra buck send there way. I don't even have a wild guest what real happen to those who makes a few handful of dollars. One seem to never hear about those who only make $20 or less a month.
Yes even at time a extra $20 a month would fill up my car to three-quarter mark
It could get us 3 gallon of milk. We buy goat milk at $6.00 a gallon.
It would pay our phone bill. Don't have a cell phone.
Statememt time..One would have more joy in plain blogging then one would have plain joy to make a buck off there blog.
I only got two more Christmas Ornaments to work on. I almost completed a mouse holding the candle in it's night gown the only thing I have to do is the high lights.
I been thinking on how I can recycle my dry clay in the pour tank. Statement time...I just don't have the time or energy to put my pour tank to use in my ceramics but I could recycle the dry clay into slip and cast smaller objects.
But be quite honest I need to do up the pieces I got into greenware and bisque
I did find a wonderful new blog and that is a good thing.
I don't make money with my blog. I don't like the idea of filling up my blogs with advertisements or pay to post posts-I want my blog to be something I do for fun.
ReplyDeleteWith my book blog, I have been contacted several times to write book reviews in exchange for getting the book for free. I will do that.
I'm not making 5 grand much less 40!!!! LOL
I don't like the idea of making money from my blog either. It's not about that.