Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ladies Luncheon

First part of last week my friend Qunella ask me if I was interested in going up on Camp Nine up to Does place for a women of spirit gathering.
Lalita who was hosting it. She had Quenella adress added my name to the invite. So I said why not but back of my head I was wonder if Lalita was or wasn't playing a game or not.
But I did enjoy it she had a few mini classes.
I used one techinic I was taught.
Let see if I can expalin it or not. Here goes “I hate my job but my husband love his job” Now I figure Confession time...I'm jeleous of my hubby because he doesn't hate his job Every time I hate my job I start to think how much I'm glad he likes his job. So it means more stabilty in our family.
They had a class change your writing to be better person and I did take course on handwriting anaylysis years ago but she was telling us about Vimala
Opinion time...Having everyone to have the same penmanship style in theroy we all would be to much a like and we wouldn't progress. sure a nothing do changes but one have to do it with self truth.
We had a nice social time and visiting with others. Confession time...I find men are better to talk to then women. If it comes right down to I enjoy the company of man lot of times over females
There was a pot luck Quenella brought rolls and I brought a box of organic lettuce I got for free. Then on the way we stop at Sharron up just past the three mile and I got pound of deli roast beef. But a lot of people had the same ideal as we did.
There was chili someone brought and I kept seeing a pot of chili flash by a few days before I went. Couldn't figure it out but I thought it was strange.
One time in past I kept having a flash of huckleberry and that week a van of that color pulled out in front of us and we had to lock it up so we wouldn't be in accident.
So as we came down the walk way we leave a gift on the trading blanket. Quenella brought some soaps she made. I brought a nice fan which I had to run it at a store called “Beyond” in bonners ferry by City hall.
So on the way out I grap the amthysets rock which is my birthstone and Quenella got pillow which set off her bedspread.
I guess some time in August Lolita host a tea and everyone wheres a hat. I should be looking for one just in case I go

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Today Is Sunday, January 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

  Cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, cuss, and here is my last cuss. I took a photo of my artwork, and an error kept popping u...