Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rex's Dinner

I guess there quite a few tmes I step out of bounds at my job. I help Donna take care of her dog Rex. By making his dog food recipe Rex is pretty amazing and friendly ole guy. For a 11 year old dog he is in good health and great spirit.

Lot of the morning he and I go down to the ball park in Bonners Ferry and take a walk. Now they got the picnic tables back and some morning I take a few minutes to pray or mediate. Recently my mind and spirit feels so boggled down. But we walk most of the time and enjoy the taste, smell, and sounds of nature

This is some of the trouble I have with Medicaid and home-care areas. It basic set up for one not to get out of poverty. Also those who are disabled and ill not to really improve in there life.
Most of who gets SSI their checks are well under a thousand month. Grant they get other benefits like a discount in there rent, food stamps, and energy assidents.
I posted about how they keep these people down. Get this most of them our aloud to earn up to $50 a month and they will take dollar to dollar what they earn. If they earn more then $50 they take there SSI check which isn't hardly anything. So I can understand why Donna brother is helping her earn a few extra bucks. Or why some people have to earn money under the table. Simple because the rules have chance since President Johnson sat up Medicare and Medicaid in the early to mid 60's.
Plus Medicaid doesn't look at the entire family when going out and seeing what help there people need


  1. There definitely needs to a change in how the system works.

  2. There are flaws in many systems. Nothing is perfect..and it is difficult to meet everyone's needs.

    I think it is awesome of you to make the doggie treat for her dog and to take him for a walk.

    There is something so therapuetic about walking a dog.



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Today Is Friday, January 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I finished another set of artist trading cards. I did a set of fish, with one that isn't a fish. Soon, I will post them on ARTIST TRADIN...