Sunday, May 02, 2010

May Day 2010

Happy May day!!!statement time..I had a dry hang over You know the ones when you don't drink any booze. The 30th of April I took Donna and her dog Rex to a healing at the gateway church in Courd'Alene.
I'm surprised that I enjoyed it much as I did. Confession time...It sure didn't feel like a home church but I sure would go back and be guest once again.
Let see there was few areas bothered me on there presentation.
1.There attitude toward our home, Earth. I felt like they was no need to be good Stewart toward mother earth.
2.Division of Faith. There right and everyone is wrong or just don't get. So if I understood they message the only way not to have division is to be converted to their way of thinking.
3.Blaming everything on the enemy (devil) not taking responsibility for one self. Belief time...We have complete control over any evil spirit or demons
But actual I could relate to her ideal of taking steps for our own healing.
Confession time..If I drank more water it would benefit me greatly.
Before the message for healing they had a praise and worship which was like rock concert. I like flowing flag show.
But the gardenia center feel more like home to me

My friend Quenella and I went down to Sandpoint to go to the Gardenia center. Plus to do some shopping.
Safeway is the only store at this time in Bonners Ferry and there outrages in there prices. I thought yokes was bad but there more reasonable then Safeway. Most everything is double or more the price.
The topic of the main speaker was “feeling better about one self by helping others” On the first Sunday of the month after the service we have pot luck. I didn't have much time to fix anything. So I got a bag of chips and grab some dough holes. Quenella brought some mix fruit salad.
On pot luck Sunday they hold a short mediation of silent or prayer as some may need. I sat quietly and cleared my mind. Confession time...I was coming home from my job and complaining how much I hate my job I couldn't figure out why. It came to me and now how to change the part I hate.
So after the service and pot luck we did some shopping. So I went into wal-mart and got a lobelia plant and put in my royal sunshine flowerbed.

I ran into my friend Alice in Safeway her and I felt the same about the prices their. She worked for the same company that I do. Alice client got complete drop. Her client had a combo of Medicaid and Med-Care. She had to pay a Co pay. She couldn't afford it.
The Mormon church was to pay her co-pay but some how things didn't work out. This lady needs the help. So my friend Alice income is down by $1012 a month.
So she volunteering 3 days a week at 2 hours each time.
But I know the Mormons won't help someone outside of their Faith, Alice isn't a Mormon I wonder if this may have something to do with it.
Or anything on regular bases they frown a monthly bill.
I know the Mormons help out my other client when she move into her new place. Paid all the cost for her to move in.
I don't recall what it would cost Alice client but it would majorly cut in her budget it could effect if she eats or not.

1 comment:

  1. grocery shopping seems way up in price everywhere here. I hope to grow as much food as I can to save money.
    I'm not religious but have enjoyed church services as a guest, i know some good christians.
    I know some bad ones too.....


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