Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bare As Bone First Day of Spring

I don't know why they set the date of March 20th or so for spring. I had one minture Iris blooming but not anymore. Actual little is going on with the gardens. One can see snow on top of the mountains. The trees are in bud but it sure don't like like there going to exploed any time with clothing of leaves.

I've been slowly get my blog printed out using blog to print. I order from Winter of 06 to Spring of 07. Each one of my boys will get one. Sure isn't a cheap thing to do. So I need to pace it out. This time both books cost me little over $100. Put it on the credit card. I should have this charge paid down in about two or four payment. I been please so far what I got

Now back to talking of spring. I wash the blankets off of our bed. Sence I became older the heat bothers me more. I took off the bed spread or any type of covering. Except sheets and two blankets and lot of the time I have part of my body uncovered.

I wanted Irish stew or lamb stew but because of the cost of lamb meat. We desided agaist it so we're having spaghetti. I'm cooking down a quart of tommaote we can last summer. Plus we add some lobster mushroom we picked and froze. Plus we will be having fresh green salad. Not sure what type of dressing but I like ume plum vingar and olive oil on mine.

The other day I made a green somothie it was lite and very refreshing. Statement time....I don't measure very much
1 small can of pineapples with juice
1/2 cup of broccoli
1/2 cucumber
1 apple
1 large stalk of celery.
Place in blender and blend may add water for desire thickness. This makes about 20 ounces

Talking about health I went and visit with my sister in law Faith for a short time. She also conjested in chest. I thought I was bad but she even using some type of breathing machine. Well also my brother in law Earl got Mersa and I know that pretty nasty stuff. But even Murphy is coming down with this nasty head to chest cold. I feel quite bit better but not 100%

1 comment:

  1. Spring is much more evident out here in Oregon! I remember seeing snowdrops in a neighbor's yard one year, & (tho it was Feb) she called them "March Flowers" as that's where they bloomed where she'd lived before!

    Bit of astronomical trivia here:
    The 'date' for Spring is set by when the 'equinox' falls - when the ours of dark & light are equal.
    When the sun 'reaches' or is above the equator! The 'solstices ('winter' & 'summer') falls when the sun's above the tropic of Capricorn (winter) & Tropic of Cancer (summer) - actually, more a midpoint - like the mentions of 'mid-summer's eve' refer to the evening BEFORE the summer 'solstice'
    Those dates are always from around the 19th to 21st of the month (Dec, March, June & Sept) & also mark the beginning of the associated astrological sign: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer & Libra.

    That's enough 'factlets' for the day!!
    Have a good one


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...