Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Winter Box of 09

When I go into a store it seems I forget something. Today I was going to pick-up some can cat food for Ziggy and Rosie.
Then some can dog food for Daisy.
I also need a green scratch pad for cleaning my ceramics.
But I could drill and take the main lines off of my ornaments.

These are the project I have poured now. I like to pour some more ornaments and a few more mugs.
Mugs are always a good base for a gifts.

I had my biofeed back and I took my winter box in and I let everyone pick out two gifts and they thought this was grand thing.

I been posting about the winter box. Well I believe it about time to tell you all about it.
I got the ideal from doing an Easter egg hunt and I was watching some documentary on a Jewish holiday thing.
Some adult or I will hide two Christmas Ornaments. Then the kids will look for them and the two who finds the ornament then will be come one of Santa helper and get the honor to give items out.
There two winter box one for the adults which I include teenagers in that one. If my counting right they will be only two teens this year.
There enough gifts and every adult will get two items.
Then also they’re winter box for the kids.
Like the adult the kids will get two gifts and also a book.
Majority of the things I picked up during the entire year at thrift store, rummage sell, free items, yard sale, dollar stores, and etc.
My price limited was $2.50 but a few items was over the limit of $2.50.
See this little adventure teaches children to give, make choices, trusting others that they will make a good choice, and also be grateful for the gift you get.


  1. What a wonderful ideal. It sounds like a fun adventure for all. Do you wrap the gifts. like a grab bag. Or do they see what they are picking?

  2. Mugs are always a great idea! Nice to give stuff away as treats, that's a great way to celebrate the holidays.

  3. That's a great idea...and I like how you collect things over the year so it does't seem so much at one time...good for you...

    Mugs are a great ideas in which to build a gift upon....a little spices...or some biscuits and you have a great gift...

  4. Sounds like a great idea.
    You made some cool gifts. If you don't live so far away, I would love to have one of your mugs. :)


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  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...