Saturday, December 19, 2009

strange Wedding

I had this strange dream, as most of my dreams are strange. Most of my dreams have nothing to do with my life in present life.

I was in a church with other people and I was getting married and the bridle party wasn’t at the alter.
They where sitting in the pews listing to this guy talk about the land on Canaan
As he was speaking about the land of caiman some guy with long red hair and wrinkles and had no legs below the knee going up the walkway yelling “Israel is the problem” and they drug him out of the church.

Then the second part of the wedding the church became very dark and sound of thunder and flash of lighting happen.
The church alter was change into a stage with big boulders.
A loud voice said “It begin a 150 years ago.
I saw my self standing below rocks and running up and over the rocks and this guy was waiting for me.

We disappeared off to our honeymoon.
The first night there was no sex.
I spoke up. I wasn’t going to stand for a sexless marriage. So I believe is my hubby started to suck on my big toe.
Then the alarm went off and I woke up.

Anyone want to take a gander on what this all means


  1. Hi Peppy
    Solstice greetings.
    Now that's a doozy of a dream!
    :-)Just stopping in with wishes for you and to share a cup.
    I'm away from blogging for a bit. See you when I get back!

  2. Ha! Aren't some dreams strange!
    I had one recently where I was (supposed to be) the bridesmaid for one of my friends, along with her 2 daughters; only I couldn't make it, & she was pretty grumpy! (she's already married, & we're not 'close enough' that she'd choose me for a bridesmaid!) & she'd be more likely to ask me to play the harp for a wedding!
    I told her about it - she would REALLY like one of her daughters to get married, so that's prob. what 'inspired' that wedding dream!
    Happy Holidays!!

  3. Happy holidays!

    love, Jess


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