Monday, October 19, 2009

The Blame Game

It’s amazing how one blames others or just things in life when things don’t go right.
As we all know are economy is struggling. Some call it a bad recession and I called it “Grand Depression the great depression has been used”

Well our local county unemployment is at 14% Plus they shut down anther

Saw Mill the one in Bonners Ferry been down for years and they took out the machinery out and the only thing left is the buildings.
They’re a sawmill out in Moyie Springs or any other ones. I don’t know how their doing.

It seem like a lot of people blames the environmentalist here for the trouble with the lumber industry.
But the log price are one of the factor if timber is harvest. Putting in a logging road is quite expensive. Let just say it welfare for the big corporations.
Plus there is the question of endangered species.
Now let look at the other side of the coin. Our forests are over crowd trees are dyeing and diseased. Plenty of Pine beetle
Plus there is the question of endangered species. We have some grizzly bear and actual the grizzly bear population here isn’t well nourished. Not sure what the cause of that. I don’t believe it do to over population.
As for the managing the national Forrest Opinion time…They need to take out 10% of the timber under 8 inches in girth for one full year. Let people market the woods take out or use it for there own use. What can’t be used making it in to compost or have it made it to lumber given to habit for humanity. Or for low cost housing such as HUD.
Ok maybe 10% of the cedar doesn’t need thin out.
Then the following year take out over 8 inches and up to 20 inches same amount before 10%
If this was done over 3 to 5 years I believe are Forrest would regain her health. At this point and the rate we’re going we could have a major forests fire some time

It also amazing how we blame each other for things in our life. Sure they’re plenty to be blame for or be blamed for.
feeling time…It bothered me when people blames other Now let take my family. A lot of people blame my Aunt Joyce how their youngest child came out. Well the fact is his dad also is part of the blame. Now I’m not going let up so easy. Their youngest son could bare some of the responsibility too.
Now for my brother in law Earl he blames his ex wife for lot of his troubles.
He blames others for his trouble in life.
Opinion time.. I believe my brother in law should have counseling I don’t believe just one time. I know a counselor that one feels comfortable with is sometime hard to find. A person can’t find a counselor in one session.
He let his self come a victim and blames every one else.
Now for his ex wife Tadita. I understand she in counseling with her oldest son and daughter.
She also blames her ex for her troubles too. “A least she getting help and I wish the best for her”


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Excellent Dora! Love your ideas!

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I know up in Creston BC they been having cut backs all up in that part of the industry with the mills also. This was happening over 4 yrs ago, and look at Pend Oreille County up by Metaline, Ione area. Lots of the same thing. God's country!!! Maybe he is trying to tell us all something?

  3. Blame.....yes dont we often look to others to blame...when we really need to look inside ourselves....even in the big scheme of big business...if we really looked at what role we as an individual played in how corporations functions what we allow or not allow them to do...what politicians get involved how we as individuals have a voice and don't use it.....

    As yes blame....isn't it easier to blame someone else than do work on ourselves.....great post!

  4. Great ideals to save the forest. I feel people should take responsibility for there own actions. I am learning to do this my self. I did blame my mom. But now I am learning to let go of her actions.


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