It’s been on the news about some type of public opinion of heath care system bought to the United States.
This isn’t a new concept. As I understand that President Theodore Roosevelt (R) was the first to want a public heath system for all American.
Many industrial countries have one and for many years now.
I went to world heath organization and the three top countries with the best heath care is
France, Italy, and San Marino.
We rank 37th
Lot of them can’t believe a good percentage of American can be wiped out and ruin financial after a major medical mishap even with insurance.
There plenty of horror stories about private insurance companies.
I haven’t yet heard of anyone purchasing a private medical insurance for under $500 per person per month. I’m not talking about supplemental insurance.
As I read “that Medicare uses 7% for over head and private insurance uses 31% for over head”
The United States in 2006 pays the highest per capital for Heath Care at $6,567.
The two countries that follow are Switzerland $4311, and Canada $3005.
We sure don’t have the longest life expectation depending on which poll one reads we rank any where from 30th to 50th.
The top three county who lives the longest is Macua (China), Andorra (France) and Japan.
We already have social programs that help with medical such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Veterans. These programs must work maybe not prefect no one real want to toss them complete away.
We moan about the NHS here in UK, but it is free and I must say it's usually pretty good.