There on old saying be careful what you ask for. Donna who I take care of is one of the biggest hoarder I ever seen. Ok Murphy grandma Charlotte also was one.
It sure inspires me not to keep everything little item that may pass my way.
Nothing was real heavy but it was body bending to do this project of hers. She has a lot of things in her little apartment,
Some how she thinks I’m a miracle worker when it comes to organizing her things.
We got two drawers of her file cabinet done. She toss a lot of item. Opinion time…I believe she ready to say good bye to her body fat. some reason she holds on things. I believe it form of protection for her.
I suggested that next week we could separate the thing in the tote that she used today in three categories, spiritual, heath, and blah blah items.
Then go though the blah blah items and see what can he tossed. I believe 10% would be an ideal toss.
I been trying to get anther shot of Rex but her sure was being a snob.
But in morning we go for our walk down at ball park and I had my camera and the duck pond sure was peaceful looking and little duck was out taking his morning swim
I’m still gardening or I should give Murphy credit. He does quite a bit in the garden.
We sure have a lot of tomatoes. Murphy found one turning red. But it doesn’t seem to be ripping very fast. Anyhow I know I mention a green tomato pie

Now both Murphy and I like to add a little kick to our cooking. I believe this is our jalapeno pepper plant.
There sure a lot of peppers on this plant

I know we planted some cole type of crop here. It either broccoli or cauliflower which didn’t amount to hill of beans
I receive some seed as part of Hollowing hill she puts on a seed swap twice a year

So I receive some orka seed and other seeds. But I never grew okra but I believe Murphy has

I believe the greens are doing the best. The chard been might fine
I know lots of pack rats. After moving 2 times in 1 year my needs only moved the 2nd round. I still have not unpacked every thing. Your garden it wonderful. I have opened another blog for art and wreck this journal post if you would like to join. I saw in the past you have one.