Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Heads or Tail (Any Past Theme)

I jumped for joy when I saw this week theme for Heads or Tails Any past theme which last week I posted about my parents “berry farm” Confession time..I was having trouble deciding to post between my parents berry farm or my Aunt and Uncle dairy farm. So now I have a chance to continue down on the farm.
Next week theme will be “ball or rhyme with ball”

As an only child my mom had the fear or didn’t want me be a winning spoiled brat. For two week in the summer she would take me to my Uncle Henry and Aunt Eve dairy farm.
I have a lot fond memories.
You see my Uncle and Aunt have three boys. And being there younger cousin. They would pick on me and for some crazy reason I would just love it.
Maybe there was a good chance I was being a pest.

So in the evening I would walk out in the milking barn and help or thought I was helping them milk the cows.
I recall asking them when a cow came in what the cow name and each and everyone of them had a name.
Plus I even got to pet the cows.
Then there was this one time we took the hose, which was to wash off the cow, utters before the milking machine was hooked up.
Well we got into a big water fight and we were soaking wet.
One my cousin told me to go and grab a hose and spray his brother in the face with water.
But a little later there dad came in and told the boys “Get back to work”

I always injoy feeding the calf when the cows were milked one of my cousin and I would head out to the calf barn with a tit bucket full of milk and we would feed the calves some milk.

As I said my mom didn’t want me to be a spoiled little winning thing. So she thought those boy cousin of mine could tuffin me up.
The would pick me up toss me around hang me up side down. Tell me old kind of stories. There this old cabin which my cousin Pablo and I pass on a motorcycle. He told me, that I needed to be quite that the boogy man was a sleep and if I woke him. He would be very up set

I had the day off and I got a few things done. I went to my tops meeting and I gain .75 pound.

I can see part of the reason I haven’t been doing the exercise like I have been doing

Murphy and I went down a little south of Naples and got some gardening stuff from Moose farm.
I want to get a white bleeding heart but they didn’t have one.
But I did pick up a drum stick primrose.

Murphy got some seed like swiss charged, corn, cilantro, and green beans

More and more of my daffodil are opening. I notice that my yellow tulips might open during the weekend of shortly afterwards

Murphy found few moral mushroom just starting to come up. We are thing about going behind his sister faith place and looking under this apple tree.
But it raining actual it pooring and I’m hearing thunder


  1. Lots of going's on in the spring - the farm experiences are fun!

  2. glad to know those utters get washed first! hee hee

  3. Even with the cousins picking on you, I bet you still enjoyed those days. Water fights are fun on hot days. :)

  4. I miss the cows from my dairy days but not the work :)


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...