Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Heads or Tail (reason)

Today topic for Heads or Tails is Reason and next week topic is “once upon time”

When I hear the word “reason” one song come to mind is a Pete Seeger song called Turn Turn Turn
I been told there a reason why things happen in our life I can except this but I always don’t have to like it.
Plus there certain time period in our life we need to take care of life events.

Last few weeks I been feeling overwhelm with work and life in general which I seem to real play havoc with my moods.
She ask me to figure out some type of schedules for her new diet. I know she isn’t trying to overwhelm me.
I think might of came up with something

I know we shouldn’t question life. But I have recently. I want to know the reason for lot of things.
Which I know can’t be answered.
When I feel over whelm I’m a basket case. I have major anxiety attacks
I do not function well at all.
I know I put my wallet on the table and absently move it and I haven’t the foggiest ideal where I put it.
It like my mind total shut down.

Went to my tops meeting today and there was only two of us who lost weight. I lost a quarter pound of something.
They want me to do a class. I have a few ideals but my mind isn’t capable of doing much of anything.
But it doesn’t have to happen any time this month.
Maybe by then I will be on level ground physical, emotional, and spiritual

Before I forget on the 25th of April I will be doing “In the know” and anyone invited to play and this month what I want to know is “What do you see out of your front window”?


  1. Good morning, dear Dora:-)

    Happy belated Easter to you and yours...it's taking me a while to get to everyone after my little bloggy break! I do hope you enjoyed your day.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling so overwhelmed with life lately. I can sympathize with you because I've been through that and you get to a point where you don't know where to turn and just want to hide under the blankets and never come out. All I can suggest is to take it one day at a time and not try to do too much all at once, pace yourself and teach yourself not to worry about the things you can't change. That's what helped me out a lot.

    As for your client who wants you to help her jump on the trampoline, just tell her that it's something you would rather not do and you could both end up being badly hurt. I'm sure there are all kinds of other exercises she can do that would be much safer...even if it's just dancing the twist or something! lol

    Anyway, I do hope everything can settle down for you. xoxo

  2. Sometimes when we have too much on our minds and on our plates, we tend to lose focus. I know it happens to me, especially when I am tired. :)

  3. I'll echo genie sea. I often feel overwhelmed when I'm tired. Hope things turn out right for you.


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