Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The River of Life Isn't As Ruff.

Well Donna and I figure out what we can do on trampoline.
With advice from a physical therapist.
But we won’t start to Monday and for the diet part of her food. I’m going to cut veggies for her and prep them she can put the stuff together.
Then for cleaning what she can do sitting down she will do.
So this will help both of us and give her more independent.

Well I sent the IRS a cashier check for all most $400 in taxes and my son Bart had to pay in also but a lot less then our his was around $125.
Murphy and I took in about $27,000 and if memory services me right Bart made about $5,500.
Idaho has a state income tax which we paid $28 and Bart $26.
I don’t mind paying my taxes but I wish there was a fair and simple way of doing it.
Plus I could mange the money better then the government. I could get more bang for your tax dollar.
I’m not trying to be prideful

Today as everyday I take Donna dog Rex for a walk and we went down to ballpark and he ran into some doggie friends.
They romped and play for a while.
Well I notice 3 dandelions bloom, around here that means morel mushroom season soon.

Terrible happen yesterday. I flushed the main toilet in our home. Thinking everything was fine.
I step out side and came back in and as I enter our side door and straight off of that is our basement and I saw water just pouring down.
I thought Murphy was in the shower and pipe broke.
As I ran to tell Murphy to turn off the water we got a leak.
But Murphy was on the love seat watching TV. The bathroom floor was flooded bad enough for Noah Ark.
I got out the plunger and got it to go down.
Then I started to soak up the water from the flood.
I wonder if they called F.E.M.A to help after Noah’s flood


  1. {This was great! F.E.M.A to help after Noah’s flood}
    One your post below, You need to step back and learn to let go. Things that happen are temporary. like the song there is a reason for every thing. You just have to find out the good that comes of the bad. It took me total depression to let go. And a year to rebuild a positive mind.

  2. Oh no, about the toilet. We had to pay a bunch to the IRS too. It makes me want to scream.

  3. Peppy Lady,

    Thank goodness we didn't have to pay income tax. We will get a little back...not much but better than paying.

    I'm glad you have the trampoline thing resolved. That bothered me. I was afraid one or both of you would be injured.

    I know what plumbing problems are like. We had the plumber here every month from January to April. We finally found out a pipe had separated because of tree roots. We had to have the entire flower bed dug up and the pipe repaired. Thank goodness our problems are solved.

    Have a great week.

  4. Yes the takes man...they are called CRA here...and what i find strange is I paid taxes all year and then I still have to pay...personal tax, property tax, you name does get frustrating sometimes...every thing seems to keep going up except our income.

    Hope the dog liked the's nice to get out...

    Oh and the toilet...I hate it when that happens...hope you were able to get it fixed...


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Today is Saturday, March 1, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Neither I or my husband spend any money yesterday. We took part in economic blackout. Trying to find out the status on it. Slowly getting ph...