Monday, February 09, 2009

February Dream Board

I actual wanted to do more with this dream board. But do to work I really haven’t had the chance to do to work.
Everyday I want to get out and till the soil to garden in. Still have a very good ground of snow still.
I only know of one field that I can see some tilled soil although not cleared.
The ground is still barren and frozen under the blanket of snow.

But as Rex and I took our walk behind the forest service I spotted a two pair of Canadian geese returning to the grain fields.
I don’t know if they plan to stick around a built nest or not.
But in that area they have geese that build there nest out in those grain fields

Well I ordered some seeds from Bountiful gardens well they came at end of January.
Now I’m getting all excited to be out in the garden.
My order consists of
1. Bounitful Bean, Green Bush
2. Dragon Langerie Wax Beans Bush
3. Barabietola de Chioggia, Candy stripe beet
4. Belgian White Carrot
5. Chantenay Carrot
6. Golden Self Blanching Celery
7. Lucullus Chard
8. Early White Delicacy Kohlrabi
9. Jimmy Nardello’s sweet Italian frying Pepper
10. Jalapeno Early pepper, hot
11. Chadwick’s Cherry Tomato, Chery
12. Stupice Tomato Cool Climate.

The lady I drive around on Tuesday gave me some seed. She gets her seeds from Vermont Bean Seed Company I guess every year they sent her some seeds (free) with her order.
They sent her 3 variety of experimental variety of pea, bean, and corn.
So she gave me the experimental seeds.

See one of my wishes and dream is to get out and have my hand in soil.

If you wanting to see more dream boards please stop in at Jamie our host


  1. May your soil be bountiful :)

  2. I'm trying not to think garden yet but can't help myself. I'm already making plans on heading south in March so I can play in the soil. At home I'll be lucky to get in the garden in April.


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