Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bless Are My Friends

We’re planning to go down to post falls and visit Sawyer and look for some shoes for me.
But my friend Qunelle electoral was having trouble.
You see they live off the main grid and her husband Michael always taken care of that. But Murphy and I went up today and he re-hooked the batteries up.
But I have to give credit due least she knew how to shut it down and knee pretty well were everything was.

At first I was a little concern on how things was going to be with her prevalence. Michael got disability (SSD) and Quenelle never worked outside of the home and never paid into the system on her own.
She won’t be 62 until August and then she can draw off of his but I’m not sure if there going to base it on ½ of his disability or ½ of what he would of drawn from social security if he worked up to regular social security.
But she talk to someone in social security office and the person who she talked to she should be able to start to draw it now.
I advice her not to go hog wild on her spending when one deals with the government and red tape a lot of time they don’t know what the right hand is doing along the side of the left hand.
Plus she has some cash stuck back and their bill per month is under $200.00.
But I figure she will do just fine on her own

Murphy and I went out deer creek way yesterday to visit Lewalla we had a nice chit chat.
She might go to work one-day week doing home care for some lady.
Home care is nothing new to her and she knows the ropes on how to handle real ass-hole.
Believe me not all people who you go in and take care are nice some are real ass-holes.
But she done home care and she pretty well know the ropes.
The main thing is to never let them know that your prison for the money your getting on the job.
We took a walk up to skin creek and the road was icing and we did the penguin shuffle


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    hi, peppy. i'm afraid you might get the calendar by february. but don't worry, the calendar i'm sending you in good for all years... i think. anyhow, i'm sending you something else aside from the calendar. hope you like it. =D

  2. Blessed are my friends is right!


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...