Sunday, November 02, 2008

October Weather 08

Well most of the trees here are pretty well striped of there leaves by now. The larches in area are at beautiful gold.
Even at end of October I can see no snow up on either mountain the ones to east or to the west.
Well we did get our true first frost on October 9th.

The warmest day for the month of October was on the 1st at 75.2 (24.7)
The coldest day for the month of October was on the 13th at 14.1 (-9.7)
The average warm for the month was 55.9 (13.2)
The average cold for the month was 17.1 (-8.7)
Rainfall for the month was about an 1 inch. (2.5)
Taking a quick look back to October of 07 it was warmer and wetter.

I believe I’m ready for winter as far as the flower gardens are concern. I planted the last of my spring bulbs out in my patriotic flowerbed.
I receive some bulbs of pinks and purples which I didn’t know what was what and they were the ones that blooms in the spring and didn’t have a place ready to put them so Murphy thought of the old well so we went down and planted them and what I had left I gave to my friend Quenella

As one my regular coffee pal Gemma I found this wonderful thing and interested to me called soul coaching all though I don’t have the book at this time. But I think it something that would benefit me.

I visited some who was doing this. As I don’t have the book simple some unexpected bills came up.
One thing I notice is some has altar and I don’t yet.

"This is a time to take an assessment of your life; clear out personal, environmental and business clutter; discern your commitments; and begin to understand your inner rules and beliefs."
What will you do to connect with the air?

I have to be open and honest it seems like the air and the season around me change more then I do or I real have to work at changing then the season.
I feel like the Moon Card is real telling me something but I’m not sure how to move my self in a different way in a spiritual or in physical sense.
As I blogged before or all honesty I gripe about ceramics or how my home.
I feel like I’m always coming up short like I want to be at my goal. I have trouble seeing the small steps one has to take.
So as Murphy and I was moving ceramic molds I thought I would take a few minutes to reflected on the small steps I’ve taken in different areas
“We did get more molds out of the basement and everything is going on one level”
I feel like my home cleaning is at point of survival level. It basic clean but I feel it needs a little more.
I put up a few Thanksgiving items and started to vacuum the furniture around the place so I can shampoo it like next weekend sometime.

Confession time…I haven’t done any deep praying or medicating recently.
I use to set out on our side steps in my coffee and listen to the spirit. It seems like in present time my prayers are very brief mainly asking for someone else.
My excuses is the weather now it raining and damp. I know I need to take a little more time and just listen to leaves fall off the trees, and crackling of the branches, and sweet sound of breeze coming though or the howl of the wind.
Statement time…I need to take notice in every since of the smaller steps of my life in both spiritual, body, and my surrounding physical world

Well I’m doing a few things in November. I got a new question on my side bar “about pumpkin pie” it will be up for the entire month.
I’m not doing “In the know” which I do on the 25th of the month simple because of the holiday.
But on the 15th I’ll be starting a meme called “Eight Question and Growing”


  1. I think it's great that you are following along without the book. I look forward to sharing Soul Coaching journey with you.

  2. I miss the Larch at the old house. They really are nice trees and I dug up a small one to transplant here. You wouldn't have noticed it in the snow photos of the other day. It was bent to the ground (and it's 8 feet tall now)and covered in snow. Thank goodness it didn't get broken and is now standing tall with that wonderful golden color.

  3. Good evening....I love your question on your side bar, but I would have to vote three times, is that allowed?!!

    My three answers would be I eat it with ice cream, whipped topping, AND plain. It's one of my favorites. Come onnnnnnnn, Thanksgiving!!

    The country lane in your photo is just gorgeous. We don't get leaf change around this 'neck of the woods' 'til January [maybe December if we get colder temps...] Then, by March they're leafing out again.

    Hope your weekend treated you well.

  4. O.k. I voted on your pumpkin pie. But if you put "depends on my mood" that's what I will pick most of the time. Ummmm - pumpkin pie is the best! I love it!
    Good luck with the Soul Coaching. Sounds interesting.

  5. Through the breeze and the wind it sounds like you're connecting with air week on this Soul Coaching journey. Here's to recognizing the steps you have taken and to making new ones each day.

  6. You can still get a lot out of the process through hearing Denise's wisdom via blogs but I do recommend getting the book when you're ready.

    All the leaves are gone here, we have spent days cleaning up after them. Winter is entering my bones!


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