Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ABC Wednesday L is for....

It Wednesday and it means it time for ABC WEdnesday I like to thank Mrs Nesbitts I have to say doing the ABC is a blast

L is for…

we have a fantastic Library in our neck of the woods. I’m so proud that our little library received this out standing award and for the library home page please Click here


  1. I like the motto
    Libraries Linking Idaho.
    Perfect for Letter L on ABC Wednesday.

    Bear((( )))

  2. Wow! Congrats for the award your library got! the library is a perfect place to learn lots! Great L. subject :)

  3. Libraries are one of my favorite places in the whole world! A whole place filled with books- What could be better?

  4. I work in a library and love your post today....

  5. I can totally relate-the library in my town is one of my favorite places to go too.

  6. I Love Libraries!

    Great choice!


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