Saturday, September 27, 2008

Photo Hunt (View)

Photo Hunt happens on Saturday and some place it already Sunday in World.
This week Theme is View I was about to sit this one out for two reason I couldn’t think of any thing for view and I was going to get on my soap box but I’ve had the crud and my brain isn’t in full gear.
Next week Theme is “sad”

I decided to get down and take a picture of how my dog and cat my view the world from there level

This is what our dog Daisy may see looking out the front door looking toward the west. She doesn’t like to go out at night because they may be things that may go bump in night.
Plus she thinks the kitty should be in to. So she can wash the kitty face and that drives him nuts

This is what Ziggy the cat sees from his level. This is taken from our back yard by our bench looking east.
Ziggy is a little more to ground level then Daisy


  1. "Wash the kitty face" -- you mean your dog likes to lick the cat and the cat allows it to happen???!!! :D

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    a very lovely place to view everyday.

  3. relaxing AND breath taking. :) Beautifully done. Here is my view.

  4. what a lovely place, very beautiful..thanks for the visit...

  5. I really like the second photo, very pretty:) You're right about this photo hunt letting us see the world, it's been wonderful seeing everyones pictures.


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