Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the know (Fall/Mabon)

Welcome to In the know Once a month on the 25th I ask question about something. This month question What is Mabon or Fall like in your area?

I don’t know why I consider the first of September actual the beginning of Mabon season.
Our weather in North Idaho starts to cool down and usually more of breeze picks up. I notice at end of August a few trees start to turn color.
Each day more and more are changing colors.
I notice two of our trees in back are pretty well naked of leaves.
I thought last fall our larch trees start to change there needles to a beautiful gold as I look out towards the mountain in our back or front yard there no goldish glow coming off the mountain side yet.

I planted sunflower in front by Bart window and they form heads but no seeds. Maybe next time around

Honest time…I let things go in the hot summer months My flower bed real look like crap.
During the heat I real neglected my flowerbeds now there full of weeds.
I was going to buy more bulbs but I decided I needed to take care of the ones I got. So far I clean out my patriotic flowerbed.
I did buy some white daffodils.

When it comes to fall I start think more in line of making soups or stews. Actual using the oven a little more

Like spring time it actual I start to do some projects. Because with out the heat.
I then become more chipper and like doing projects around the place.
I went thought our bedroom closet and got rid of some stuff some went to the thrift store, other went in trash and others went in the garbage can.
It looks a lot better but I need to do more

I wonder what my ancestors of the pass did this time of year. I recall my parents had a garden and my mom canned and froze things for the freezer.
I heard stories of my Grandma Olive (My mom’s mom) who had a little farmer cart and she sold produce from her garden in Nebraska they lived there from about 1923 until 1937.
The money she earn from that she bought the school clothes for her children.
I wish I could see a picture of it.
Most of my pass ancestors were blue color worker and farmers who weren’t afraid to get there hands dirty.

I guess the only one thing I would like to meet more people who’s faith is more Earthy Base ones.
The closes thing to that is at the gardenia center which to me more Interfaith.
A least they excepted other spiritual path then just one way

One last thing when I was young I did not like the wind. But now I do it brings change

I love to visit all who post about fall/mabon in your area. Please link back to hear.
Now next month “ In the know question” will be Which holiday don’t you like and if you could change it how would you do it
Only five days left on my survey please give me your opinion


  1. What's holiday like in the Netherlands? Well a few weeks ago, I posted an entry about "My favourite things"and I mentioned then, that Autumn or fall was my favourite season. You can see it on my blog. What you tell about your country is very interesting!

  2. "My favourite things" is a meme hosted by Blue on Thursdays.

  3. Thank you for your kind and nice comment. My blog is a mixture of my travels to Australia, where one daughter lives and other countries . I live in Holland. The sedum is just growing in my front yard, I didn't do anything and it flowers all the same.
    The snake and poisonous spider are Australian, fortunately we haven't got snakes and dangerous spiders!
    I will write more about Australia, and lateron about our windmills in Holland, and about my flat, wet country!

  4. Nice post. Fall started early here this year. My big trees are already most changed in color and there are more leaves on the ground than on the trees. My least favorite holiday - in answer to your question is New Year's Eve which mostly seems like an excuse to drink and be stupid. I do like the idea of First night celebrations which have started as an alternative.

    Thanks for your visits to Raven's Nest and your always kind comments.

  5. Thanks for the visit and cool comment!!!

    I like Fall in my area. The hot, sticky humid summer is over!

  6. Our nights are cooler and days shorter. Trees are gradually changing colour. Chipmunks and squirrels are busy storing acorns for the winter.
    Fall colours of deep red, orange, and pumpkin are seen in gardens.

  7. Anonymous6:08 PM

    The temperatures here are much cooler than July and August. Not much color in the trees yet, and mostly, the leaves turn yellow here. My purple mums and calendula are in bloom and we got some late roses.

    I know what you mean about letting things go during the hot summer months, I was the same way. Hard to catch up now, too.


  8. Fall is my favorite season and Halloween, of course, is my favorite holiday. Baking some kind of apple stuff this weekend. I am hoping the debate is still on for tonight.

    Have a fun Friday night.


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