Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Heads or Tail (Box)

Every Tuesday Skittles hostess a meme called Heads or Tail and each week she things of a theme to post about and this week theme is BOX and next week is “recipes”

One thing I did was that I clean out from under our stairwell. I went though a lot of boxes.
And organized them.
Some of the stuff went out to the shelves in shed/barn.
Then other things went back under the stairs but I made boxes for certain items. Glassware, towels, and office supplies all got their own box.
But as I went though the boxes I ran into family heirlooms of all sorts of items.
All brought back memories of different sort.

If I got have a box for present day. I was going to put it in my future box but why wait.
In this box I would put in: peace, good will, good health, faith, kindness, hope, tolerance, joy, love, friendship, hope, understanding, and any thing that would do human kind right by.
This box would have plenty and never have a lock on it. So anyone could help them self to any of the items in it


  1. Have you read the story of Pandora? She had a box of treasures and when she opened it out came HOPE! Did you put it in there?

  2. Great entry...I too thought of Pandora's box. Yours is gorgeous.

    My HoT is posted. Come on by for a visit if you can get a chance.

  3. Beautiful entry for this week's HOT entry :)

    My entry is here

    Stop by if you have a moment. Have a great week ahead!

  4. What a nice thought. Have a great HoT. I hope you will comment on my entry.

  5. I'm an organizer by nature so our closets are full of nicely labeled boxes. ;)

    I love the idea of the box to share.

  6. what a lovely idea - I will take one of these too.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...