Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ABC Wednesday H is for...

It time for me to Do ABC Wednesday round 3

H is for…

I actual get excited about Halloween some may even call it Samhain Once school opens and I start thinking on how I can do my home for the spooks. Confession time…It seem I do more thinking and planning. Then actual doing

Horn Texas long horn that is.
I’ve heard this breed of cattle is tuff ole thing. I guess in western shows of time gone by and it sure doesn’t look like an easy life going across some dust ole trail for miles on end

Huckleberries Huckleberries grows in the mountains here. Jam is real good made out of the berries. As you can see I’m about ready to eat a peanut butter and Jam sandwich.

Couple of things I want to remind my readers about what I know is going on in the blog world.

First of all until Dec 5th Baby Tea leaves is hosting a weight lost challenge. If you drop over to this Post you can learn all about this challenge.

Next on my side bar I’m doing a survey. A simple no or yes and that’s it

On the 25th of the month I do a thing called ” In the know and this month question is What is fall like were you live I’ll have a page done on that day and please link back to my page.

I’ll have a few more reminders


  1. Halloween is a favourite time for me also.
    I think it is because I love all the warm autumn Colours.
    Happy H day.

    Bear((( )))

  2. Nice entry for ABC Wednesday, always wanted to know what Huckleberries looked like, being from the UK, thank you

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sandwich looks pretty good about now, it's time to eat.

    My post for H (hair) is over at Canon Pixels

  4. I enjoyed reading your ABC Wednesday... How many clubs/meme's do you blong too? I saw quit a few on your side bar!!! Where do you find the time to keep up? I can't even keep up with two T13 and Wordless Wednesday, but I try!
    Anyway, thanks for stopping by my site!!!

  5. Hi Peppy....Good choice for this weeks post!Hmmmm never had in the desert we don't have alot of fruits you get further north.

  6. Great post. I didn't even think of Halloween for H...and It is my favorite holiday. Shame on me!
    Just a little over a week until I go to Gettysburg. (Which I didn't think of for the letter G either..I am really slipping ha ha)

  7. month 31st! A sure sign the dark nights of winter are coming soon!

    Thanks so much, I am running late.


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  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...