Saturday, June 21, 2008

Photo Hunt (water)

Welcome to the hunt which is hosted by TN CHICK each week she was a assignment or theme to take a picture of and this week theme is WATER next week theme will be “bright”
For more info on hunt please click here.

I’m bless to live in such a place as North Idaho. Couple a days I went over to Sandpoint City beach and got this picture of. Lake Pend Orellie I real like the area around Hope maybe I’ll get chance to take a drive out there but with price of gas. Who knows

There these ghost stories about Farragut state park and submarine that they lost during world war II and no one found the submarine yet as far as I know of


  1. Oh you know I love ghost stories!
    Great photo. I use to do the photo hunt, then got involved in the others. I might pick this one up again soon. We are almost at the end of the alphabet on the ABC wed. one I do.

  2. very nice view...the mountains are pretty awesome too! mine's up at this link!

  3. Love the birds on the log!

  4. A lost sub?! Great story!

    I played too :)

  5. What a beautiful view...

  6. Interesting photo today! Clive Cussler writes about such things. Have you read him? Thanks for the reminder about next week’s theme. I may add it to MY post so I remember ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  7. very cool shot! what a gorgeous view :)

  8. what a gorgeous lake, Peppy! I hope you get many chances to visit it a lot this summer before winter keeps us in again.

  9. Thanks for stopping by and for joining me woo hoo go push ups

  10. It looks like a interesting place made more intriguing by the ghost stories.

    Thank you for visiting.

  11. It's a beautiful lake but I don't think I can have the guts to swim there I am afraid of ghost... see you in my blog..Thanks.


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