Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Feast + Friendly Friday


What is your favorite beverage?
I don’t believe I have one it depends on my mood but I try to get plenty of water but I’m a fan of coffee. Love the smell of it.

Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.
An address to Mountain high yogurt, a computer game of “1701”, and a recipe called “Chicken and Grapes”

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?
a 9 I use to be brutally honest but as I got older I learn tacked .

Main Course
If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?
I would have to say my hometown of Bonners Ferry. The part of Ferry is the problem their people who uses the term Ferry meaning of homosexual. But I would keep the part of Bonners be was the founder of our town and he had a ferry that went across the kootenai river here. I real don’t know what I change it to maybe to just plain “Bonners”

What stresses you out? What calms you down?
Not knowing once I know something it doesn’t matter if it good or bad then I know how to deal with it then I’ll calm down

To be part of Friday feast or read others please visit the head chef


Pea of peas corner is having a Valentine give away

I found this over at Skittles and it looked like fun little meme.
You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter. It's fun and requires no thought at all.
1. random
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
2 Random quotes
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3 interesting photos.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it’s more amusing that way.
I don’t have a graphic program or much of photo program but here goes
“Adye Douglas is name of my band”
“To do with out it” Is title of my album.

Album cover.

This person who I would give an award to would be a Martha Stewart type of award called “It good thing” No more need to be said and this award would go to Pea of Pea Corner.

Well Ms. Pea is quite popular and I decided to feature the first person who left a comment on her blog on the 16th of January and that happen to be Mary Isbella and her blog is Daisy Bouquet and Ms Mary after quickly viewing Mary blog I find she blog about a variety of items and her music on her blog has a up lifting beat.

I’m pro peace and I found this over at Happy Tiler
My blog is very much a secular blog which doesn’t mean or does mean every so often I’ll blog about political or religious matters.
The Happy Tiler has information about the Peace Train

The other night we watch a movie called “Beerfest” and I’ll give it a grade of C+.


  1. I really enjoyed your Friday Feast...chicken and grapes recipe, now that's an odd combination! lol I like to have my cup of coffee in the mornings but when I'm at a restaurant, my favourite drink to order is always Iced Tea:-) Thank you so much for announcing my Valentine's Giveaway, I really appreciate that!! I smiled when you wrote that you'd give me a Martha Stewart type of award...Martha would cringe at the state of my house right now with the renovations going on! lol I'm glad you went to check out Mary Isabella's blog...I'm just starting to get to know her and she's a sweetie:-)Have a great weekend dear Dora! xox

  2. I love the way coffee smells too. Just the scent is able to pick me up. There is a small town of Lenore near Orofino that also used to have a Ferry but I don't think it was Lenore Ferry. I think Bonners would be fine just by itself.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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