Monday, December 03, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Sunday Morning Murphy, Bart and I went to wish my Uncle Henry a Happy Birthday for turning 80.
I guess the only thing he wanted to see his children, who they are 3 of them, 8 grandchildren, and 7 great grand children. Plus there spouses I figure they are 25 of them and only one didn’t make it.

We sure had the snow fall and Friday when I got off work and I just thought this shot would be lovely and I had my camera.
The photo was taken from the senior apartment on oak street.

I start to address a few of our Christmas Cards. I had a box with a few in and at later date when I do the rest of my cards I’ll post my annual Christmas letter.

I guess there a first time for everything. I’ve never have over drawn a checking account and thought it was do time I step out of the stone ages and got a debit card and I over drawn my account.
Looks like I’m going into Sandpoint to our saving and get a little out and putting it in the checking

Sunday evening I was reading and typing out my blog and came across this more then one item give away for the Sport Nuts it closes Wednesday December 5th

take a wonder over to Apples and Oranges and you have a chance to win a Gramma’s hat by answering three questions

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