Saturday, December 08, 2007

Photo Hunt #23

This week theme for the “Photo Hunt” is LONG

I’ve been told a story about this old cabin that sets by Macarthur lake. Long ago once lived a man and he was even in an old west gunfight.
He even caught the bus as an old man so he must saw a lot.
But I do not know his name.
But he lived a long time ago


  1. I love old cabins in the woods like that. Great shot.

  2. looks spooky, great entry for this week theme though! looks like its cold there..;) mine is up too

  3. That's such a picturesque cabin where the man lived long ago. Great idea for the long theme. I hope you are having a pleasant weekend.

  4. Great picture, great story.

  5. A unique spin on the theme long! I enjoyed it.

  6. Blah, blah indeed! Seriously, it's interesting to see some Photo Hunters taking the "long ago" option (as opposed to the lengthy one)... :)


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