Saturday, November 24, 2007

photo Hunt #22

This week theme for photo hunt is HOT

I enjoy a hot cup of coffee, chocolate, tea, Tom and Jerry, and of course hot buttered rum.
In the morning Murphy and I have a cup of hot coffee together as we start our day together

Olive is over a hundred years old and I’m sorry to say that she just lost her son who was well in his 80.
If you get a few moments stop in at Olive


  1. That's a very romantic way to start the day with. Hot and cool...LOL

  2. Oh, love my hot cup of tea!

    Happy Weekend.

  3. Hi! Just came across your blog today, and I wanted to let you know about a new giveaway I'm hosting this week! Come check it out! Thanks! Have a good weekend!

  4. Suddenly I really want some hot chocolate! :)

    Come visit my photo hunt picture if you get a chance!

  5. I think I'll have some tea right now to warm up before I crawl upstairs where it is even colder than here!

    Peppy: did you get my e-mails about you being the 20,000th visitor to my blog??

    Have a great weekend!

  6. As you have already seen, I like my hot cup of green tea


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